14. Girls

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Ellie plopped herself down on Junia's bed and let out a deep breath. Junia knew they were nearing the N.E.W.T.s mock exam weeks, but she knew better than to think that studying would be Ellie Moran's struggle.

"Mhm? What?" Junia acknowledged her, without lifting her eyes from her book.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I've fallen for someone," Ellie rolled over onto her stomach and rested her head on her hands.

Junia closed her book, right as Anna went out of the bathroom. Meg said she will be spending the night with Marilyn and Blair, so it would just be the three girls for the night.

Ellie turned to her, "You are just in time, Annes." She sat and crossed her legs, making space for Anna on the bed.

Anna raised a brow before walking towards the bed as she continued to dry her hair with her towel.

"You know the guy?"

"I think you'll have to be more specific, Elle," Junia gave her a sarcastic smile.

Ellie bit her lips, "Okay. I'll tell you who it is, but do not judge. Alright?"

"When have we ever judged you, Elle," Anna rolled her eyes.

"Peter," Ellie quickly said, closing her eyes as if we were going to explode into pieces once she said it.

"Pettigrew?" Junia asked.

"Is there any other Peter in this school?" Ellie sent Junia a look.

Anna shrugged, "One of the first years in our house is named Peter—"

"Do I look like a paedophile?" Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Paedophile? What's that?" Junia asked.

Anna was the one to answer the question, "An old person who likes kids."

"Ugh," Junia grimaced.

"I know," Ellie remarked. "Anyway, I think I've fallen for Pettigrew."

"I didn't even know you two were close," Anna said.

"Neither do I," Junia added. "I thought you hated him."

"I didn't hate him," Ellie rolled her eyes. "I just dislike him for taking my spot."

"Not really the way I remember it," Anna gave her a look.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter," Ellie brushed the comment off. "Point is, I think I like him even though I know I shouldn't."

'And why exactly is that?" Junia crossed her arms.

"Because he's practically my rival in nearly all my classes," Ellie revealed. "But he's so... nice. He's awfully humble too, which still frustrates me. And—Ugh!"

Junia passed her a bar of chocolate, "Let's stay calm, shall we?"

Ellie took the bar of chocolate and started breaking it into pieces, plopping one in her mouth.

"Better?" Junia smiled.

Ellie nodded.

"How do you know he's nice?" Anna asked. "I never see you two spend time together—"

"I haven't told any of you this, but we've been studying together for a while," Ellie told them. "I suggested it thinking I could cheat off his way of studying, but he really just studies like a normal person would."

"He's not normal?" Anna furrowed her brows.

"He obviously is," Ellie rolled her eyes. "I mean he's effortlessly smart and humble about it. And you know, at first I was jealous of him, but he— he somehow managed to charm me with his gentle ways."

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