18. Hog's Head

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Days of heavy snow storms finally settled, allowing those students who stayed for Christmas to take regular trips to Hogsmeade. Junia got herself ready in layers of clothing, making sure to keep herself warm.

"What are you wearing?" Anna froze in amazement.

"Something that will surely keep me warm," Junia answered bluntly.

Anna could only laugh in her tank top and jeans, "It's warmer today, so you don't need all of that. I checked the crystal ball earlier. Plus you look silly."

Junia frowned, "Says the one who is wearing a tank top in the cold."

Anna quickly walked towards her chair and put on a sweater, "It goes underneath. Anyway, I'm going to go first. Burkes is probably waiting." She sat down to put on her shoes.

"You'll get cold in that, it might still snow," Junia told her.

Anna stood up and reached the door, "I'll just borrow Burkes'. He always brings one extra for me."

Junia sighed, "How sweet."

"You sure you don't want to come along with us?" Anna poked her head back in through the door.

"No thank you. I'd rather be alone than have to watch you two all over each other," Junia made a disgusted look.

"Alright then. I'll see you,"Anna rolled her eyes before closing the door behind.

Junia, knowing well that Anna is good with crystal reading, took off a few layers before deciding that what she wears will both stand the cold and the heat as well. She walked down the stairs and made her way to the carriage station.

"Junia!" Regulus beamed.

"Reggie," Junia greeted back in a slightly more calm manner.

He looked behind her as if he was expecting someone. "Are you going alone? On Christmas Eve?"

Junia cringed, "You just made it sound bad."

"Cause it is, Jun," Regulus chuckled. "What d'you think about coming with me?"

Junia shook her head, "Oh I'd prefer not."

"Why?" Regulus' expression dropped.

"I'd like to have some alone time," Junia shrugged. "Besides, I'm sure your friends wouldn't like me to disturb you."

"Are you sure?"

Junia nodded as a carriage approached them. Regulus offered her his hand to help her up.

"Thanks," she smiled. "And yes. I'm sure."

"Well, if you need a friend. Today or tomorrow. Or anytime actually. I'm mostly available," he said.

Junia's smile widened, "It's really hard to believe how one can be so kind."


Junia rolled her eyes, "You. Who else? Oh! I almost forgot. Can you meet me in front of the Gryffindor tower tomorrow morning?" She had prepared a small gift for him. "Or I can meet you in front of the Slytherin common room."

Regulus too had prepared a little something for her. "No. You stay. I'll come over."

"Great," Junia said, pleased. "Anyway, have you found anything new? About you-know-what."

Regulus straightened his back and released a breath. "One thing for sure is that my theory is most likely correct. No. I'm positive that it's correct. Morfin Gaunt never admitted anything. In fact, I managed to find an old article from that time, which mentioned that Gaunt had been framed by his own nephew. We both know who that is, but no one knew about Merope's son. Tom Riddle was a nobody, so they didn't believe him, calling him a lying lunatic and all."

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