6. A Friend's Friend

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Junia finished a story of the filtered version of her situation as she and her friend, Marlene, walked through the packed muggle path. Marlene Mckinnon was one of the few friends Junia would actually voluntarily want to hang out with, especially when Junia was looking for some fun. Marlene was also part of the only few people who were allowed to be friends with Junia as Junia's mother and hers were friends. Connection is everything between the purebloods.

After the last meeting with the Blacks, Marlene had coincidentally written to Junia. With the close distance between their homes it didn't take long to exchange letters and for Marlene to realise that her friend needed some cheering up.

"Where are we going by the way?"

"To cheer you up," Marlene said as if it was the most obvious answer.

Junia chuckled, "I mean what kind of place—"

"You'll have to wait because I don't want to spoil the surprise," Marlene grinned.

They walked a few more miles before Marlene turned the corner and sneakily entered a door while Junia followed behind. The place was a bit sketchy but considering that they were both witches, it was not too big of a worry.


"Here we are, Jun," she placed her hands on her hips. "You'll love it. This place has better parties than the ones in Hogwarts." Marlene took off her jacket and revealed her dress underneath. "C'mon, we will have so much fun!"

The music blasted loudly as they joined the dancing crowd. Junia was not wrong about trusting Marlene when it comes to cheering her up. And Marlene was right, unlike how it is in Hogwarts, the music did not stop until both their legs were too tired.

"I'm going to get some drinks," Marlene led her out of the crowd as another song started. "You wait here."

Junia nodded as she was too breathless to even say anything. She looked around the place with different lights and many people jumping up and down with the beat. She felt better already surrounded by all the positive energy.

Marlened returned with glass in her hands, "They're non alcoholic, but I added a tiny bit of firewhiskey in them."

"Firewhiskey?" Junia breathed out in disbelief, "Where'd you get that? You're underage."

"It doesn't matter from where, and for the record it's only a tiny bit of firewhiskey—" Marlene's jaw dropped as she stared blankly at whatever was behind me. "Sirius."

"Sirius?" Junia furrowed her brows. She must have heard her wrong. Her troubled situation had surely consumed her mind and affected her hearing.

"Yes. Sirius!" Marlene was yelling now. "James!"

Junia turned around to see two faces she did not expect. James Potter and Sirius Black. She widened her eyes in surprise and turned back to her friend. She wanted to escape the situation she was in, and seeing that situation was not in her agenda today. "Why are they here?"

"I don't know, Jun," Marlene rolled her eyes. "It's a popular club." Junia did tell Marlene that she was arranged to marry after she graduates, but she did not mention who.

James looked at Sirius, "Why are you so tense?"

"She's the Crawford girl," Sirius said as he furrowed his eyes at her. Why is she here? It's a muggle place. Packed with muggles.

"Are you sure?" James raised a brow before walking towards the two girls.

"Hey Marlene," James greeted her with a wide smile. "Who's this?"

Junia forced a smile, "I'm Junia."

"Just Junia?" James asked again. He wanted to check whether or not Sirius was right. Sirius never mentioned her first name. For James, Junia was only the Crawford girl for the past three days of never-ending complaints from Sirius.

"Junia Crawford," Junia said. She tries to avoid mentioning her last name, and in most cases it works. She disliked her last name. Her mother had always been so proud of it. But she isn't. For her, the name Crawford was tainted with all the things she hates. A name that was forced onto her just because she was born into such a 'pure' family.

A look of surprise crossed James' face. Junia knew what it meant. He probably would not expect to meet a Crawford here. "Well, I'm James. James Potter."

"Oh yeah, I know you," Junia nodded and took a rather large sip of her drink.

"You do? Did Sirius tell you about me already?" James raised his brows and smiled cheekily.

Junia shook her head, "No. You're just quite a famous troublemaker in school."

"Oh well, at least I'm famous," James shrugged. He went on to converse with Marlene.

It was this time when Sirius decided to see what his friend is up to. "Crawford," he nodded at Junia.

Junia breathed in, looked at him and nodded back, "Black."

"I don't expect to see you here," he said as he turned his gaze to the crowd. "I also didn't know you were friends with Mckinnon."

Junia clenched her jaw. She could hear the hints of doubt and distrust in his voice. She, however, kept quiet.

"How's your wrist by the way?" Sirius asked, before he took a sip from his own glass. "I actually meant to ask you that last time," he muttered. 

"It's fine, thank you for asking," Junia responded bluntly before making her way back to the crowd. It seems she cannot stand his presence for too long.

Marlene and James laughed and turned to Sirius, "Pads, Marlene was just telling a great story. You missed it—"

"Where's Junia?" Marlene interrupted. She looked around before spotting her friend dancing in the crowd. "Nevermind. Found her. It's good seeing you two here, but it's girls' night for me and Junia. Have fun you two!"

"We always do," James grinned. "Right, Pads?"

Sirius did not hear a word James or Marlene had said. He was too busy watching Junia dancing to the music. His thoughts consumed his mind. Could his assumption about Junia Crawford be wrong?

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