28. Forgotten Christmas

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They pretended as if nothing had happened that night, going on about their days as usual.

"The boys are coming over tonight. For a small Christmas Eve celebration," Sirius began, placing the daily prophet on the dining table. "Lily and Marlene will be there too."

"The boys? Including Remus and Peter as well?" Junia asked from the couch, with a book in hand.

"Yes," Sirius answered nervously.

"Well, I guess I could stay over at—"

"Lily had asked for you to be here as well, and I was thinking that we should—" Sirius paused and stood up from his seat, prompting Junia to turn to him.


Sirius walked towards her and sat on the armchair opposite to the couch. "I was thinking we should tell them."

"I don't think I'm following," Junia furrowed her brows.

"Tell them about this," Sirius used his finger to point at her and then at himself. "It's been difficult hiding the fact that we live under the same roof. I know you feel that as well. And— and even if it is temporary, I'm sure it won't hurt to let them know. That way we won't have to worry so much about them finding out whenever they come by."

Junia stayed quiet.

"Besides, they love to have you around," Sirius added. "But if you don't feel comfortable with that, then we can keep things the way it is—"



Junia shrugged, "I've also been wanting to tell my friends about it. I'm running out of excuses to avoid any blind dates."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Junia placed the roasted chicken Sirius had made on the table. And just like that the house began to smell like Christmas, which seemed to bring them back to something that happened a year ago. The first and only kiss they had.

"Where are the decorations?" Junia asked, trying to excuse herself from the awkward atmosphere that has developed.

One amongst the many consequences of living together is that you can't seem to have a place to escape an awkward situation with your housemate. The only place of privacy would be their rooms, but then it would be too obvious that they were trying to avoid each other.

"I think I placed it in the laundry room," Sirius said, busy setting up the rest of the table. Sirius stole glances at her as she walked down the hall. He suddenly felt like the fire was too hot despite the thermometer that clearly reads 16 degrees celsius. Get a grip of yourself, he thought to himself.

Junia soon emerged with two large cardboard boxes, and just as she passed by the front door, the bell rang. Sirius was quick to go over and help her as she tried to open the door, revealing their first guest.

"Pads!" Remus greeted warmly before his eyes met Junia's. "Junia?"

"Remus! Hi," Junia smiled, while Sirius took over the boxes and placed them beside the tree, trying to avoid the confused look on Remus' face. "Come on in."

"You're here early," Remus said as he gave her a friendly hug.

Junia laughed awkwardly as they pulled away, though Remus's hand was still hovering on her back. "Yeah, I suppose so—"

"Remus," Sirius interrupted. "I think I need a hand here."

Remus was quick to put down his bag of gifts and help Sirius collect the Christmas tree charms that had been accidentally knocked over.

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