3. Brother

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Sirius knocked on the dark-coated door with a frown on his face. He cannot believe that he was back here. Back in a version of hell he had tried to endure for almost his entire life. It didn't take long before the door opened and a familiar, foul-looking elf greets him.

"Welcome back, Blood traitor," he grumpily acknowledged Sirius' arrival.

"Sod off, Kreacher," Sirius carelessly made his way in, indirectly causing Kreacher to hit the floor.

Sirius could hear Kreacher curse at him as he walked towards the dining room. He has shown up as his brother requested, but he will not be wasting too much of his time here. The door to the dining room was already opened, and Sirius found himself staring at three familiar faces, two of which he despised.

Regulus' head perked up hearing his brother's footsteps and he shot an appreciative glance at Sirius when their eyes met. Sirius walked into the room and took a seat as calmly as he could while his parents watched him with a curious expression.

"I must say I'm surprised you came," Walburga muttered.

Orion smirked, "I knew he would. We are his family after all. I have taught him well."

"We have taught him—"

"So? What is it you want from me?" Sirius interrupted, leaning back on the chair in annoyance.

"Well, since you are turning 17 soon, your father and I have made an arrangement for you," Walburga started.

"Oh, right I almost forgot to say," Sirius interrupted. "Whatever business you have with the Crawfords, I won't be involved."

"You are a Black, son. One out of the only two who can pass down our family name," his father said as he looked at Sirius.

Regulus looked down, while Sirius narrowed his eyes. They both knew where this was going.

Orion looked at his wife expectantly, waiting for her to continue.

"We have set you up with the only daughter of the Crawfords," Walburga revealed. "Junia Crawford. I'm guessing you would know her. She is a student in your year as well."

Junia Crawford. Yes. He definitely had heard of her. A Ravenclaw, isn't she? Sirius stayed silent as he tried to picture what she looked like.

"You two are to be married by the end of your Hogwarts years," Orion told him as if it was the simplest thing to do. "And you will have to attend our Christmas party this year, so we can introduce you to her—"

Sirius laughed, "I must say I'm impressed. I appreciate you trusting me that much, but you're wrong to think that I'll do it."

"It's not a request, Sirius," Orion sternly said.

Sirius scoffed, "Request or not, I won't do it. You'd have to imperio me."

"That's no way to talk to your father!" Walburga snapped.

"Ah! Sorry," Sirius sarcastically apologised. "I forgot that he is my father."

Orion was visibly angry this time, as he hit the table loudly. "Sirius Black!"

Sirius clenched his jaw to stay calm. He got to his feet and walked away, turning back around to look at them, "Thank you. For this wonderful dinner." Sirius gave his little brother a small apologetic smile before leaving.

Sirius was nearing the front door when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see Regulus. "Sirius."

Sirius shook his head and sighed, "I'm sorry, Reg. I can't help you this time."

"Well good thing this isn't about me," Regulus quickly replied. "You know that you'll still get your part of the inheritance if you agree to this right?"

"I don't need the money, Reg," Sirius said. "Not anymore."

Regulus bit his bottom lips, as if he was contemplating what he was going to say next. Sirius took this time to open the door, but just as it opened, Regulus spoke again. "They cruicioed me."

Sirius froze, "What?" Sirius had always been beaten by his parents but he had never been crucioed.

Regulus was holding back tears as he swallowed his pride, "I'm sorry, brother. But I can't— I won't let you go again, because then they will do it again."

Sirius clenched his jaw at the thought. What kind of parents would do such unspeakable things to their own son? And one that had actually been a good son. Sirius knew his brother. He's obedient and he listens. He's the perfect son. How could they do that to their perfect son?

"Then come," Sirius offered. "Come with me."

"I can't," Regulus shook his head. "It's too late now."

"What do you mean—"

Regulus showed his brother his forearm. The mark of the Deatheaters. Regulus is a Deatheater.

Sirius widened his eyes in shock, "When did you— Why did you—"

"They forced me," Regulus said in a whisper.

Sirius stayed quiet for a while. He needed to do something. He's the big brother after all. "Are you sure they'll stop if I agree to this?"

Regulus stayed silent and looked down to his feet.

"I knew it," Sirius scoffed.

"It'll definitely spare me tonight," Regulus managed to say. "Mother has been going mad. She's— They're both afraid that people will find out about you. I got this one day after you left. Please, Sirius. I cannot go through another round of that spell."

With determination and all the recklessness a Gryffindor could have, Sirius made his way back to the dining room. His initial intention was to confront his parents, but somehow he knew it would be pointless. "I'll do it," he finally agreed.

Regulus, who heard what his brother just said, looked up at him in surprise.

"But you will have no more rights to tell me to do anything else after," Sirius clarified as he tried to keep his composure. "I'll see you all on Christmas."

Sirius turned to his brother before he left, just as he did earlier. Though this time, he didn't smile. Regulus knew this really will be the last time Sirius will ever help him. And little did Sirius know, he was also helping a girl named Junia. 

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