10. Strictly Professional

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"Moony," Sirius puts out his cigarette on the ashtray beside his bed. "What is the equivalent of an impedimenta?"

"I don't know. Arresto Momentum?" Remus perked his head up from his book. "Not really the same though, one is often used in dangerous situation to protect while the other—"

Sirius wrote the spell down on the last space of his last task paper, wanting to get over with it as soon as possible. "Right. Love to hear more about it, but I gotta go," Sirius smiled at his friend as he walked through the door. "Thanks for the answer by the way. I'm going to get you some chocolate from the kitchen."

"Oh! That sounds wonderful," Peter chimed in.

"I'll get ya your muffin too, Wormtail," Sirius gestured to him.

"Thanks, Pads," Peter smiled before returning to rearrange his socks into the dresser for the third time since they got back.

Sirius closed the door behind him, on his way to find his other best friend. James had been rather busy with Lily lately, sparing very little time for his friends. He walked through the hallway, knowing where exactly James and his flower would be.

"Oi! James, Red!" Sirius came up to the couple, putting his arms around the both of them. "It's the first week of school, what should we do?"

"Do?" Lily raised a brow.

"Yeah, we always do things in the first week to prank the first years," Sirius shrugged.

"Those were your doings?" she gasped, turning to James in disbelief.

"Yes, Red," Sirius proudly revealed. "Great isn't it? It started all because of James—"

Sirius' words were cut off by James elbow hitting his ribs, "Thank you, Pads. But I believe we can discuss this later."

"No, we will discuss it now," Sirius rolled his eyes. "Because lately, your 'later's' actually mean never."

"It's not a brilliant idea to talk about it in front of a Head Girl, don't you think?" Lily said.

Sirius simply smiled and patted her head, "I doubt that you'll report your own boyfriend, Red."

"Oh yeah? Try me," Lily crossed her arms.

James quickly made an awkward laugh, "Alright, that's it. Let's go to the library, Lily. And Sirius, I promise you, I will get back to you about that."

"No you won't, you're going to get in trouble," Lily glared at him.

"Nevermind then," James exchanged looks with Sirius before putting his arms around Lily and guiding themselves away to the library. He turned back again to mouth, "I will."

Sirius smirked at his best friend's antics, "How sweet." Sirius continued his stroll around the castle ground by himself, hands in the pocket of his leather jacket to keep them warm in the chilly autumn weather. It didn't take long for him to spot his brother and Junia together under a tree. "I didn't know they were so close," he mumbled. They didn't have transfiguration today, so he hadn't seen Junia all day. Not that he minds of course.

"Sirius!" a girl approached him from behind, her books in her arms.

Sirius turned, "Michelle. How are you?"

"I'm great, but I feel rather sad you didn't write to me at all," the girl pouted.

Sirius faked a smile, "Yeah, well my summer was very busy."

"It's alright," she quickly brushed it off. "Anyway, the Hufflepuffs are hosting a welcoming party tonight, would you like to join?"

"Sure, that actually sounds great," Sirius nodded. "What time?"

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