29. Morning After

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"Merry Christmas," Junia breathed out as if she had just finished a kilometre run. She quickly entered her room, closing the door behind her as she tried to catch her breath. The alcohol is very much working.

Sirius watched as the door closed, closing his eyes to rid the thoughts of her from his head. No. It's just the alcohol. Must be the alcohol.

He walked to his room, his hand on the door handle. Yet he cannot seem to get himself to open his door. "Fuck."

Sirius made his way across the hall, hesitating for a moment about what he wanted to do. But it didn't take long for him to knock on Junia's door.

The door opened, Junia looked up into his eyes, filled with a gleam of yearning she tried to hide. "Sirius."

Sirius lost the last string of control at the sound of his name, and he kissed Junia. Instead of reciprocating like last time, Junia kissed him back. He grabbed the sides of her face, while she held her hand up to touch his. Sirius led them into the room, without breaking off the kiss at all. He turned them around, so Junia's back was against the back of the door, as he locked the door behind her.

Sirius moved down to pepper her neck in kisses. Softly at first but he surely began leaving some marks on her later. Junia now had her fingers in his hair, and arms around his neck. Sirius slowly made his way under her sweater, his cold fingers on her back. Junia gasped softly at his touch.

Sirius returned back to kiss her, before resting his head on hers, closing his eyes as they both tried to catch their breaths.

Junia swallowed as reality began to set in, "What are we doing, Sirius?"

"I— I don't know," he said honestly, pulling away from her.

"What if this is a mistake?"

"What is it isn't?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Junia stirred in her sleep, as the warm morning ray entered the window of her room. She felt an odd weight over her body. Her eyes went wide as the memory of last night appeared in her head. Shit.

She could feel Sirius' head resting on her shoulder. Junia slowly tried to escape his embrace, but just as she began moving, Sirius pulled her back in again, snuggling her even closer into him.

Junia's breath hitched, and she could only hope that none of their friends had woken up yet.

And just as if she had jinxed it, a knock came from the door. Junia, not even trying to be gentle anymore, broke out of Sirius' arms. Sirius, still deep in his sleep, only turned to face the other side in response.

Junia picked up the nearest sweater from the floor to wear, before walking towards the door. She didn't forget to take one last look in the mirror. The knock came again and Junia rushed to the door.

"Hi," Junia smiled, as she opened the door just wide enough to show her face.

"Hey," Remus returned the smile awkwardly. He must have sensed something. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just getting ready," Junia lied.

"I see. Well, Lily and Peter had prepared us breakfast. She asked me to call you and Sirius," Remus told her.

Junia's heart dropped, "I'll call him."

"It's fine, I can do that. His room is only on the end of the—"

"I'll call him," Junia insisted.

Remus furrowed his brows in confusion, but only nodded in response, "Alright then, if you insist."

"Thanks, Remus," Junia smiled in relief. "And, Happy Christmas."

Remus smiled, "Happy Christmas." He then walked back towards the stairs.

"I'll be down in a bit!"

Junia quickly shut the door behind her. "Sirius," she called him, pulling the pillow from under his head in hope to wake him.

"What?" Sirius groaned, getting up on his elbows. Junia tried to ignore the muscles that flexed from that movement.

"Put on your clothes and go downstairs," Junais said, collecting his clothes from the ground and handing them to him.

"I just gave you a good fuck and and now you're kicking me out?" He sat up, taking the clothes from her.

"The rest are downstairs waiting for us, and I don't want them to know about this," Junia pointed between herself and Sirius.

Sirius smirked, "Are you sure? 'Cause you're wearing my sweatshirt, Crawford."

Junia looked down and hit herself internally, before she took off the sweatshirt right then and there, throwing it to him. "There."

Sirius stared at her as he caught the sweatshirt, surprised.

"It's not like you've never seen it, Black," Junia then went to find her own sweater and put it on.

Sirius chuckled as he put on his sweatshirt and trousers.

"I'll head down first, and you go after me," Junia told him.

"Right, Ma'am," Sirius nodded.

"One more thing," Junia turned back to look at him again, a rather playful smile on her lips. "I don't mind you coming over to sleep here once in a while."

Sirius bit back a smile as Junia left the room.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Morning!" Sirius happily joined the rest downstairs.

"Lily and Peter made breakfast," James told him as he watched his fiancé work in the kitchen with his friend.

"Brilliant, what are we having?" Sirius rubbed his hands together before he joined the rest in the dining table.

"Pancakes and banana bread," Peter proudly answered. "You must have slept well, waking up so late."

Sirius stole a quick glance at Junia before nodding. "Yeah, really good sleep. Haven't had one quite like it."

Junia rolled her eyes as she dove into her pancakes.

"How 'bout you?" Marlene asked Junia.

Junia coughed awkwardly, nodding. "Yeah, well. It was restful. The wine really kept me warm."

"Oh, and which one of you so kindly gave us the blankets?" Lily asked.

"Do you really think Sirius is capable of acting so humanly?" Remus joked.

"No," the whole table shook their heads in unison.

"C'mon! I'm not that bad," Sirius laughed. 

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