13. Uncalled Friends

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"Oi! Pads," James called from the Gryffindor table. His rather loud voice prompted a number of people around him to look. Sirius and Junia found themselves standing before a sea of eyes. And mouths that speak, of course.

Both of them were too busy to notice though, as Sirius shot his friend an acknowledging smile while Junia looked around, trying to find her Ravenclaw friends, who were oddly nowhere to be seen. They're usually the easiest to find, always sitting in the most corner as it allows them to leave easily.

Sirius noticed this, and nudged her gently with his elbow, "You can sit with us if you'd like."

Junia was about to reject the offer, but two sets of eyes were already narrowed bitterly at her. Marilyn and Blair, sitting with their arms crossed. "Sure. Thanks," Junia said as she followed behind.

Junia smiled and greeted the rest of Sirius' friends, including Marlene. They had not spoken for a while, and Junia did notice the fact that Marlene distanced herself from Junia after the rumour spread. Junia had assumptions about her feelings towards the older Black brother, and her reaction to the rumour served as a confirmation.

Junia sat beside Remus, who was the first to scoot over and make space for her. "Thanks," she smiled.

"Don't thank me yet, it'll get squeezier in a while when—"

"Remus—Junia!" Peter squealed when Junia turned around.

"Hi Peter," Junia greeted. "Is this your seat?" she asked, feeling rather bad. The seat was most likely Peter's

Peter was quick to shake his head and smile, "No. No. I can sit somewhere else." He went to Remus' other side and sat down.

"I didn't think it was true," Remus said, his face impressed.

"What?" Junia asked.

"Sirius and you," Remus continued.

"Oh! That," Junia pursed her lips uncomfortably. "It isn't true. Just a rumour."

"Right," Remus nodded and smirked. "A rumour."

"I didn't take you as the kind to believe in gossip," Junia commented before diving into her food.

Remus smiled playfully, "Never judge a book by its cover."

"I thought you were having detention," James said to Sirius, though it was as if he was talking to the whole table.

"I was," Sirius popped a chestnut into his mouth.

"With her?" James cocked a brow and smirked.

Sirius, his mouth half full, pointed his index to James, "Whatever it is you are thinking. No."

"Stop making unnecessary assumptions, James," Lily began, noticing the ears around them.

"I'll ask them then," James obliged, turning to Junia and Sirius. "Were you two snogging? Or—"

Junia choked on her food, but was quick to recover and swallow it. "Sorry?"

"Were you two—" James was about to repeat, but Lily's swift smack on his arm was quick to silence him.

"Don't mind him," Remus told Junia. "He can be a little too straightforward sometimes."

Junia pursed her lips, "I can see that."

"Were you two really snogging though?" Marlene, who had not spoken since earlier, finally asked. Marlene was trying to sound as casual as possible, but Junia knew better.

Junia shook her head and sent her an assuring smile, "I'd rather eat a worm."

"You'll change your mind soon enough," Remus chuckled.

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