5. Unplanned Plans

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"Why are you here?"

Junia stood up almost instantly, hearing the voice she knew all too well. Regulus' expression of shock and uneasiness did not help. She turned to find her mother, "Mother. I was just—"

Freya quickly went up to her and grabbed her by the wrist, "Where is he?" She pulled her out without even batting an eye at Regulus.

Junia winced when her mother's nails dug into her skin, "I— I don't know."

Freya tightened her grip and clenched her jaw, "I told you to do well."

"I can't when he is uncooperative," Junia said through her teeth as she tried to stand the pain.

Freya dropped her daughter's hands and frowned at her, "You should know that your job is to make him cooperative."

"I'm sorry, mother," Junia looked down, avoiding eye contact. She does this often, because she knew she wouldn't be able to stand it if she had looked Freya in the eyes.

"What's going on here?" another voice greeted them both.

Junia quickly placed her hand on her now bleeding skin, it was a natural thing for her. To hide these things. Her parents had always shown her the power of the walls around. How they keep whatever happens a secret. How well they muffle screams and cries. Junia knew it all too well. She didn't know why she tried to keep all this to herself. She almost never told anyone. Not a single soul. Even when she can.

Perhaps it was her worry about what people would think of her. Or maybe because she dislikes when people take pity on her. Or when she had to show people her scars. She did tell a friend when she was only seven, though at that time she didn't understand yet, nor did her friend.

"Nothing," Freya quickly responded, but her lips quirked immediately when she saw who the person was. "Sirius! You're just in time. Junia has been looking for you."

"Is that so?" Sirius raised a brow, knowing well that was a lie. Junia could only glare at him.

"You can ask her," Freya said as she left the two, not even slightly guilty over what she just did to her own daughter.

Sirius stayed where he was standing as his eyes travelled down to Junia's wrist. Junia noticed and placed her hand behind her. "I wasn't looking for you, just to be clear."

"I didn't think you were anyway," he bluntly replied. He took Junia's move to hide her hands behind her as a sign that he shouldn't care. "Why are you here?" he asked, looking around the hallway. Guests rarely come here.

"Funny. That's what my mother just asked me a minute ago," she muttered under her breath before forcing a smile. "I was just talking to a friend and trying to keep myself busy in a party where I know almost no one."

"A friend?"

"Yes. A friend," Junia repeated. She felt her blood begin to drip down her wrist and thought that it was the right time to leave. Just as she passed by Sirius, he took her arms and raised it slightly. What he saw was a confirmation of his assumption earlier.

Junia could only pull her arm away and give him a glare before leaving.

"Sirius," Regulus came out of the room just in time.

Sirius smiled weakly at his brother, "Hello, Regulus."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It only took three days for the two families to construct their final plan for a union between them. A Black and a Crawford. Surely everyone would expect that, but it does not mean that it will not surprise them.

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