30. Progress

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Everything takes time. Change takes time. Progress takes time.

Some things take only one night to change. While some others need more time. And sometimes nothing changes at all.

"Breakfast's ready!" Sirius's voice can be heard through Junia's opened bedroom door.

"Give me a minute," Junia said as she signed off the letter on her desk.

Regulus was back at Hogwarts. With only six months left there, he had used the time to form a friendship with one of the ghosts. Myrtle's story was finally heard.

Other than her true ghostly purpose of haunting her bully, Myrtle made quite a statement about how she died. Two blinding lights and then she was gone. But most importantly, she remembered the footsteps and a voice of a boy hissing some kind of weird language. Regulus suggested that Myrtle could be the victim for the making of the Ravenclaw Diadem horcrux.

But as a Ravenclaw alumni, Junia knew better than that.

Dear Reggie,

The weird hissing language must be Parseltongue. And only the heir could speak it, which would mean that it was T. R. who had done it to Myrtle. How she was killed is no longer important now that we know she was one of the souls.

As of now we have the tramp, the Gaunts, Smith and Myrtle as the victims, and the ring, locket, cup, and possibly the diadem, as the horcruxes. Yet, I can't help but find it rather odd that T.R. would get his hands on the Diadem during school. Rumour has it that the Diadem has been hidden far from the country. This would require him to take on a journey no student would be allowed to take alone. He must have gone to get it after he had graduated. And if you're wondering; Yes. I am suggesting that there must be another horcrux. And another victim.

I think it would be best if you look for the Grey Lady. She is supposedly the only one who truly knows where the Diadem is, or was. She is not the friendliest ghost Hogwarts hosts, so brace yourself.

Stay safe,


P.s. Don't forget to burn this :)

"Junia? Are you alright up there?" Sirius asked again.


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Junia took the last few steps down the stairs, already greeted with the smell of... "Roasted duck! I didn't know you could make that."

"I tried," Sirius placed his mitten-covered hands on his hips proudly.

"It's been a while since I ate this," Junia said as she took a seat. "Only my mother could make it. Not even our house elves could get it right, which makes sense since it's a Chinese dish."

Sirius smiled at the excitement in her voice.

"It's funny how I just talked to Ellie and Anna about my cravings the other day," Junia said.

"A funny coincidence indeed," Sirius replied, biting back a smile.

Sirius was in his room when the two friends visited the place for the first time after Junia revealed to them that she now lives with her legal husband. She also explained the circumstance of the whole thing, and luckily for her, they were far too understanding about it. So much so that they wanted to see if she is living in a livable condition, considering who she lives with.

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