7. Stranger, Stranger

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"How was your winter?" Ellie, Junia's friend who has naturally curly hair and red lips that Junia could only dream to have, asked once they got into the train compartment. "You must have been so busy not to have written to any of us."

Junia chuckled, "Sorry about that."

"So how was it? Anything in particular you want to tell us?" Meg joined in. Meg is a small girl with red hair and the bluest eyes who most likely has the highest pitched voice in the entire school. Her voice does not help her reputation of being a blabbermouth.

Junia furrowed her brows in confusion, "Is there anything you want me to tell you?"

"C'mon, Jun," Meg rolled her eyes. "We all know you were invited to the Blacks' Christmas party."

"The— How did you—" Junia widened her eyes. She did not expect her school friends to know about that. She didn't want any of them to know about that.

"Anna told us," Ellie shrugged, looking at the brown-haired girl in the corner who was deep into her book. Anna was the only one among them who was in an actual relationship. Her boyfriend, Ben Burkes, and her were one of the coolest couples in school.

"Ben told me about it," Anna explained. "He knew it from his parents."

"I can't believe we had to hear it from her boyfriend," Meg groaned.

"For all you know, Burke could be lying," Junia said, trying to avoid the topic.

"Burke wouldn't lie, sweetheart," Anna simply remarked before she returned to her book.

"So?" Meg and Ellie stared at Junia expectantly.

"It was alright? I guess?" Junia managed to say.

Meg rolled her eyes, "Was Regulus there?"

Junia chuckled, "If you want to know about your crush, you can just tell me."

"I– I don't have a crush on him," Meg defended as her cheeks went red.

Ellie laughed at the sight, "Sure, Meg. Sure."

Junia was glad she could avoid the question. She wasn't very keen on sharing anything that had happened throughout the winter break to Meg Matthews.

Meg is nice, but she definitely would not be the person you can trust to keep things to herself. Besides, Meg Matthews had only just tried to be close to Junia when Junia and Regulus became friends this year. She is the type of person who will only make friends with someone if they can get something out of it. She isn't sincere about being friends with anyone, and everyone knows it. Junia just tried to be nice by adopting her into the group.

Ellie Moran and Anna Ahmed were the only two Ravenclaw girls in her year that she actually considers as friends. There is also Marilyn and Blair, but those two are far too snobby to make friends with anyone else.

Ellie and Anna were Junia's roommates since first year, so they had been friends for quite a while. The only two girls other than Marlene Mckinnon who she genuinely thinks are her friends. But again, Junia could not trust them enough with all her secrets. They don't know that though.

That night the three girls sat on the floor of their dorm room and played cards as they snacked on some chips Ellie had brought.

"No! I should've taken this out sooner," Anna groaned, showing her last two cards.

Ellie victoriously laughed as she took back her muggle biscuits from Anna, "No one can take my babies from me."

"Not so fast," Junia stopped her with a smirk as she laid her cards on the table. "Those biscuits are mine, El."

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