15. Those With Stories

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Junia hurried down the hallway with her books in one hand and her art supplies in her other hand. It was nearing winter break, which could only mean one thing for the seventh-years' of Hogwarts; hell despite the cold. This was especially applicable to those who take art as a course, just like Junia.

Junia stopped for a while to take a breath and also to fix her glasses, which she can't do because her hands are full. "You've got to be joking— Oh—" Just as she was about to put down her things, when someone had sort of pulled them away from her grasp. "Lupin. Hi."

"Thought you needed some help," he smiled warmly.

"I did. Yes," Junia smiled back. "Would you mind helping me bring that to the art room?"

"That was kind of my intention, to help you," he nodded, as he used his free hand to push up Junia's glasses.

"Thanks," Junia said, rather confused as to how he knew she wanted to fix her glasses. Then she realised that it was lunch break, and felt a sudden guilt for bothering Remus. "Actually, it's fine, I can take them myself. It's lunch you should probably go—"

"I'm not the kind to back out of my words, Junia," he gave her an assuring smile. "Besides, I am not hungry."

"Are you sure?"

Remus nodded.

"It's this way then," Junia said as she led the way.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

They soon reached the empty art room. With half of the ceiling being a large skylight that lights up the room, it was not easy for Remus to ignore the beauty of the space. "Woah," he said softly. "I didn't know a place like this existed."

"Now you do," Junia chuckled at his amazement as she walked towards her workspace. Each of the students had their own corner, Junia's was at the far corner at the back of the room. "You can place that here," she told Remus.

Remus did as he was told, while continuing to admire the space.

"Thanks a lot, Lupin," Junia thanked him. "You can go if you want, I'm sure your friends are wait—"

"No. I'll stay," Remus quickly said. "The last thing I want to be involved in is another one of James' pranks today."

Junia narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Had a bad day?"

"You could say that," Remus exhaled as he sat on the window seat near Junia's table. "Don't worry, I won't bother you with that."

Junia shrugged, "I'll listen if you want to talk about it."

Remus turned to her, "That's very nice of you, but it's really not a big deal. I just..."

"Alright then, no pressure," Junia quickly brushed it off. "Since you're here, would you like to help me with my sculpture?"

The two spent the next fifteen minutes on the sculpture in silence, Junia guiding Remus with straightforward gestures.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is this exactly?" Remus suddenly asked.

Junia turned to him, "What do you think it is?"

Remus stepped back and stared at the unfinished work for a while, "I see a pot— no. A— A boy? A little boy, with— with scars on his face—What on Earth is this?" Remus widened his eyes as the sculpture turned into himself.

"Don't worry, what I see is different," Junia calmly said. "It changes according to the perspective of the audience. It'll change, but not for everyone. Only those with stories. Otherwise, it's just an awfully shaped pot."

Remus turned to Junia, "How— This must be advanced magic."

"Nobody said art sorcery is easy," Junia retorted.

"What's the title?" Remus asked, trying to ignore the image of his younger self in front of him.

Junia shrugged, "I'm still thinking about it."

"What about you? What do you see?" Remus asked again.

"You've got a lot of questions, don't you?" Junia jokingly raised a brow.

"Maybe I could come up with some suggestions," Remus argued.

Junia took a deep breath and looked down at her shoes, "Since you told me what you see, then I'll tell you what I see. A broken mirror with a few missing pieces on the ground, and blood. From the mirror you can see some of my reflection."

"Were you hurt by a mirror?" Remus asked, a little softly.

"No. Not the mirror," Junia replied quietly, barely audible, before deciding that she had shared enough. "Alright. No more questions, Lupin."

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