17. Temporary Goodbyes

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Exams were soon over, and the school began its yearly Christmas tradition with its halls and ceilings covered in festive decorations that Junia can never fail to admire.

This Christmas break, the school will be filled with more Slytherins and Ravenclaws than the previous years. The tense security of the wizarding world can only lead Junia into thinking that Voldemort and his followers have something planned this winter and they would most likely prefer to keep their children out of it. At least for the meantime.

"... Junia? Are you even listening?" Ellie frowned.

"Sorry, I—"

"You've been doing that often lately, is something bothering you?" she asked.

Junia sighed, "Just tired."

"Did you not take the vitamins I gave you?"

"You mean those orange flavoured candies? I don't like oranges."

"You can have the grape flavoured ones then," Ellie said. "But you have to take them." she glared. "I'll make sure you have enough stock until I come back from the break."

"Alright, mom," Junia chuckled.

Ellie is going home for the Christmas break and so do most students, except for the pureblood families, which people found weird because they are always the ones to make fun of others for not having a home to come back to during the holidays. Seems like the tables have turned.

A few Griffyndors, to their dismay, are also staying along with the Slytherins. From the ones she knows, only Lily, Marlene, Remus and Peter are leaving for Christmas. James' parents are going to visit some friends in France who are getting married, so James is staying, which means Sirius will be staying too.

The days passed and it was time for temporary goodbyes. Anna, Ellie and I stood in the gates of Hogwarts along with many others.

"I'll see you two soon. Happy early Christmas and new year. I'll be waiting for your letters," Ellie said as she hopped on the train.

"We got it, El. We'll be waiting for our Turkish delights!" Junia said laughing.

Ellie rolled her eyes before disappearing entirely behind the walls of the train. Anna observes to find the compartment Ellie is in to give her another wave, while something else had caught Junia's attention.

Not far from them were the Gryffindors, they seemed to be wishing the three who were leaving goodbye. Junia quickly told Anna to go on her own as she wanted to wish them a safe trip back home before they leave. She walked towards them hastily, but soon stopped when Marlene and Sirius connected their lips.

Junia didn't know such a sight would make her feel so uneasy. She knew they had kissed before, hell it was probably more than just a kiss. But why does seeing it with her own eyes make it feel so heavy?

Perhaps it was because she knew that she would be betraying her even if she didn't want to.

She quickly collected herself and ran up to them.

"Junia!" Remus greeted happily.

"Someone's cheerful," Junia remarked.

Junia soon found herself wrapped in the arms of Marlene who had dropped Sirius' hands, "I thought I wouldn't be seeing you today."

"Well, you thought wrong," Junia chuckled. "I'll miss you, Mar."

Marlene broke the hug and pouted, "I will miss you more."

Junia smiled and rolled her eyes and turned to Lily, who was already waiting for her turn.

"I would really love to give you a hug right now, but this big baby behind me," she pointed at James with her eyes. "Is not letting me go." She grunted as she tried to struggle out of James' back hug.

"Potter, may I please borrow your girlfriend?" Junia asked.

James let out a deep disappointing breath before letting her go slowly.

Lily straightened her shirt as she rolled her eyes at him jokingly, "Thank you."

Junia stretched out her arms to offer her a hug which she returned warmly, "Have a wonderful holiday, Lily."

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly. "You too, but um– I do have a teeny tiny request. Please look after James. You know I can't rely on Sirius with that," she said, giving Sirius a disgusted look.

"Got it," Junia smiled.

"Thank you—" Lily was about to give her another hug but James was quick to pull her away.

"Time's up, Crawford," he said, satisfied.

Junia could only smile in return, before she spotted Peter fidgeting in the corner.

"Have a nice Christmas, Peter," she said as she extended a hand out.

Peter looked up and smiled shyly, "Thanks, Junia."

"Ellie is already in the train by the way," Junia told him as she watched him collect his things from the ground.

"I'm going to head in first, yeah?" he said. "I'll write to you all!"

The group watched as Peter stumbled his way into the train.

"What's got him in such a hurry?" Sirius furrowed his brows in confusion.

Junia shrugged, though a knowing smile was on her face, "Not sure."

Remus fake coughed, prompting Junia to turn to him. "Where's my hug?"

Junia laughed as she went up to him and gave him one, "I'll be sure to return your Alchemy book after the break."

"Sounds great because I'll be needing it for the next semester," Remus smiled as they pulled apart.

"Happy holidays. Remember to have 'too much fun'," Junia said as she gave him a friendly peck on the cheek.

"Will do," he smiled.

No one was bothered by this exchange between Junia and Remus, except for Sirius who was taken aback by the friendly peck she had given his friend. He, just like Junia was not long ago, felt uneasy seeing her give someone else a peck. Even if it was on the cheek. What was wrong with him? He thought as he reminded himself that it was none of his business.

The four soon boarded the train and left Junia with the two boys.

"I didn't know you two were close," Sirius said, trying to seem indifferent.

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