22. New Chapters

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It was the summer after graduation that James first brought Lily back to the Potter's Manor. And as anyone would have expected, the family warmly welcomed her into their home. In fact, Euphemia Potter was nothing but pleased to finally meet the girl that changed him for the better... slightly.

"You must be Lily!" She greeted excitedly.

Lily smiled nervously, "Yes. I'm Lily Evans. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Potter."

"Please. Call me Euphemia," she said warmly, guiding her inside.

"Or 'future mother-in-law'," James chimed in, bringing in the basket of fruits Lily had handpicked from her garden before their visit.

Lily took the basket from James and extended her hand out to Euphemia, "Oh– uh— I brought these with me. I hope you'll like it."

"She grew and picked it herself," Jame said proudly.

"Did you?" Euphemia widened her eyes in surprise. "Well isn't that just lovely," she said, cupping one of Lily's red cheeks gently with a warm smile.

"I know I just got here, but may I know where the restroom is?" Lily asked awkwardly.

"Just down the left corner of the hall, dear," Euphemia told her. "I'll be sure to give you a proper house tour after you go."

"Thanks, Mrs. Potter," Lily smiled before rushing down the hall.

James and his mother watched her, both with smiley faces.

"I knew I'd like her," Euphemia said.

"Good, 'cause she's going to be part of our new chapter," James said, giving his mother a peck on the cheek before taking the basket from her and bringing it down to the dining room.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Peter!" his mother yelled as she barged in through his door.

Peter quickly hid the letters he had received under his books. "Yes?"

"I've called you at least a hundred times, go down for lunch. I know you're busy with whatever it is you have with the Malfoys but it is still important to eat," she told him with a sigh.

"I'll be down in a moment," he said.

Once Mrs Pettigrew went out, he took the letters out again. One was from the Malfoys. And the other was from Ellie. He stared at the two letters for a moment before putting the one from the Malfoy's aside. He didn't regret doing so because he certainly would not be smiling like an idiot if he had opened the other one.

"...cheers to our new chapters..." he read out quietly. Ellie had gotten a spot for the auror-training and as far as she knows, Peter has got a position in a store around Diagon Alley that specialises in creating potions, which is not entirely false. 

Either way, it was indeed a new beginning for the both.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Anna Ahmed," Burkes began, getting on his knees. "Will you marry me?"

Anna didn't say anything and only answered him with a kiss. A very long kiss, which Ellie wished she could erase from her memories.

"Merlin, it's like I'm not even here," she grimaced at the sight. But she stayed quiet to avoid running the moment. She tried to keep them in the frame of her portapak until she decided it was enough snogging in one clip.

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