24. Lovely Cottage

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Junia entered the cottage, Sirius following her behind with her trunk. "How'd you get this place?"

Sirius placed the trunk on the ground and closed the door behind him, "I've got money, honey."

"Parent's money?" Junia raised a brow, ignoring his recently constant use of nicknames.

Sirius scoffed, "Bold of you to assume I'm incapable of making my own."

Junia narrowed her eyes and stepped closer to him, "Are you... a stripper?"

Sirius widened his eyes in surprise, "What?!"

"I'm just playing with you," Junia laughed.

"Are you nuts?"

"Be glad I didn't say male prostitute, cause I can totally see that," Junia added. "And I mean it in the nicest way possible." She grinned at his confused expression and stumbled backwards.

Sirius opened his mouth and closed it again. "I'm supposed to be the drunk one here."

"I think the firewhiskey just started to kick in," Junia swallowed.

Sirius sighed, "You barely even drink."

"Oh, you wouldn't know," Junia rolled her eyes and dropped herself on the couch.

"Are you actually—" Sirius stopped himself once he saw her. Of course she drank. He could only notice her red cheeks once the lights were fully on. "When did you even drink?"

"I have a fear of... flying," Junia admitted carefully. "Finished the bottle you opened."

"No wonder," he said, picking up the trunk again. "C'mon. We are going to share a bathroom, but I'll show you to your room."

"My room?" Junia perked up, resting her head on the back of the couch. Sirius has never seen this side of her. It was almost adorable.

"I'm sure you wouldn't like to share a room with me, am I right?" Sirius quickly said, trying to brush any unwanted thoughts away.

Junia stood up and followed him up the stairs, "You are not entirely right."

"What? Imagining a sweet honeymoon nig—" he started to tease her as a joke, though the smack she gave him stopped him from doing so.

"I want my own house," Junia smiled sweetly.

Sirius bit back a smile, "Sure."

Junia's room was on the end of the hallway, where she assumed the other end would be Sirius' room. She entered her room and looked around. It was not big, but she liked it. Or maybe at that point in time she just really wanted to lay on the bed that looked like a cloud.

"I'll let you make yourself feel at home," Sirius told her before he left the room.

"Thanks," Junia said, though she doubted he could hear her.

Junia knew better than to lay on the fresh sheets with her 'outside' clothes on, but she was too tired to refrain herself from doing so. So she sat, laid and slept against her will. Her trunk and coat were left on the ground.

Sirius had finished his shower and changed to a more comfortable jumper. He was about to enter his room when a sudden thought to check on Junia came to him. And so he did, not forgetting to bring her a glass of water with him.

Sirius knocked on the door several times, and was surprised when the door wasn't locked yet. He didn't know what to expect, but seeing Junia Crawford, still fully dressed in her wedding dress, and her legs hanging by the side of the bed was an entirely new view. So this is how she is when she is drunk.

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