31. A Garden Wedding

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The day finally came for the Potters and Evans. The Potters' only son and the Evans' youngest daughter are going to start a new life as one.

Junia had been selected as one of the bridesmaids, along with Marlene. Alice Fortescue, now Alice Longbottom, Teresa Berlitz, and Sasha Monnet were the other three. Teresa, being her best friend, was her Maid of Honor.

The bridal shower happened last night at the Potter Manor, leaving Marlene and Junia having to share a room for the night.

"A coincidence, isn't it? That both Lily and James are the only child of their parents," Junia observed as she watched the Potters greet the Evans coming to their estate through the window of their room. The wedding will be held at the garden behind the Potter Manor.

"Oh no," Marlene shook her head. "Lily's got a shit sister. Would've been the Maid of Honor things were different."


"Petunia Evans— No, she's been Petunia Dursley for a year now, is Lily's older and only sister," Marlene told her as she put some flowers in her hair.

"What happened?" Junia asked and sat on the bench near the window.

Marlene grabbed her earrings and walked towards the mirror, "They were close until Lily got her Hogwarts Letter. Petunia didn't. Got jealous that she was a muggle, and started to hate her own sister. Lily, being the angel that she is, still invited and offered Petunia to be her Maid of Honour."

"Did she..."

"Petunia did not only reject the offer, but also the invite. A spiteful and bitter girl she is," Marlene sighed. "I'm surprised you don't know about this. Anyway, you should probably change into the dress now. We'll have to greet the guests soon."

"Yeah," Junia looked down, suddenly grateful she was an only child. And out of nowhere she felt like she didn't really fit the role of the day as a bridesmaid. She thought she knew her friend, but she didn't even know about her family.

"Need my help with the dress?" Marlene offered.

"I'll manage," Junia smiled as she picked up her dress from the hanger.

Marlene narrowed her eyes at Junia, "In that case... just make sure you don't ruin your hair and makeup, yeah? I mean you look pretty without them done, but I'd like to be appreciated for my artistic skills with what I've done on them."

Junia chuckled, "Don't worry about me."

"I'm going to go check on Lily one last time then," Marlene said.

"You do that," Junia nodded as she walked behind the room divider to change.

── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Junia slipped into her green kitten heels that matched the green silk dress she had on. Lily had chosen a floral garden wedding, which meant the bridesmaids got to wear green and match with the natural, rustic decor.

She left the room and went down to also check on Lily one last time. The door opened before she could knock on the door to Lily's room. Marlene came out with a smile, "I told you it was Junia."

Lily sat in her gown and floral crown on the edge of the bed, looking as beautiful as ever. "You look stunning!"

"Thanks, Junia. And so do you in green," Lily smiled.

"Thanks to you for picking it out," Junnia said as she closed the door behind her.

Lily chuckled, "Have you seen James?"

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