26. Unspoken Words

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Sirius followed Junia behind, walking fast to catch up with her. He had overheard more parts of the conversation between his brother and his wife earlier. Well, he only overheard two words "Voldemort" and "Chamber of Secrets".

Though it was enough to bring out his far buried feelings about Junia, one that he decided to leave behind once he saw how Junia treated his friends.

Junia Crawford was never really his friend, he knew very little about her despite the past two and half years being associated with her. She was not particularly quiet, but she was good at keeping things to herself. Sometimes it does make him wonder if she really is the person she seems to be.

It's no secret that it is hard to trust anyone from any pureblood families. Knowing very well how most of the kids were raised, it still surprises him that a Crawford would leave her life of prestige and luxury. He needed to know what she was really up to.

Junia seemed to have heard his steps, as she began to speed up herself. Sirius still managed to reach her though, tugging her coat. Junia quickly pulled out her wand in defence.

"Woah, woah," Sirius said, backing away.

Junia sighed, "Merlin. It's only you." She let her wand down.

Sirius couldn't help but laugh, "Pulling out a wand. What if I was a muggle?"

"Easy. Obliviate you," Junia shrugged. "But before that I'll make you suffer first. A cruciatus curse would do."

And those things. Junia sometimes can have a very different take on humour.

"I'm kidding," Junia quickly said once she saw the uneasy expression on Sirius' face.

"Are you?" Sirius' words slipped before he could even think.

Junia's relaxed expression quickly faded, as the atmosphere changed. She didn't say anything more and only walked ahead, not wanting to waste her energy on his silly accusations that he has in his mind.

Sirius ran his fingers through his hair before she followed her again, "Crawford. I—"

"I'm sick of you not trusting me, Black," Junia spat. "Admit it, if you were placed into Slytherin, you would have turned out like what you fear. A spoiled, smug, blood supremacist. You act like you're such a saint."

"I didn't even say anything about that," Sirius retorted.

"You implied it."

"Fine then. Since you seem to get it so well, let me ask you some things. What's with Voldemort and the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Nothing you should be concerned about."

"Who's the friend you're planning to visit?"

"Not someone you know."

"Can't you see? This is why I don't trust you, Junia!"

Junia stopped, Sirius has never raised his voice at her before. And all she could think about was her father's voice that passed through the door every night after he returned from work. "Don't yell."

Sirius closed his eyes, realising what he just did. "I'm sorry."

Junia took a long shaky breath. "Now. If I asked you about what you are doing at work, would you tell me?" She looked at him with piercing eyes.

Sirius stayed quiet, not looking her in the eye. In fact, not looking at her at all.

Junia looked down, blinking her unwanted tears away, "You understand now, don't you? We might be married, but it doesn't mean every single thing in my life is your business. Nor is yours mine. Besides, it's all fake."

Sirius clenched his jaw. He somehow didn't like how she used the word 'fake'.

"I know you are worried about your brother, so I promise you right now that I will cause him no harm." Junia reassured him. "It's all up to you whether you trust me or not. Just don't make my life difficult if you don't."

They were quiet for a moment, only the wind and the sound of the leafless branches in the air.

"I promised him to look after you as well, you know," Sirius finally said, his voice almost a whisper.

Junia looked up to him.

"And you are my wife, so it's sort of an unwritten obligation for me to do so," Sirius added.

"Your point is?"

"He cares about you. A lot. And I hope you don't take advantage of that," Sirius admitted. Though there is one more thing he didn't say.

Junia softened her eyes, before attempting her cold expression again. "Like how you took advantage of the girls back at Hogwarts?" she joked as she began to walk again.

Sirius groaned, "When are you going to stop bringing that up?"

Junia shrugged suppressing a smile.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Sirius went down the stairs of their cottage, already in his comfortable joggers. It was late already when Junia and him got back, so he didn't expect to see Junia still on the couch. He walked towards her only to find her already sleeping, with a notebook in her hand.

Slowly, Sirius took the notebook out of her weak, sleepy grip and placed it on the table. He then laid her head down on one end of the armrest, while he rested her legs on the other end. He went up to take a blanket and covered her with it.

Sirius knelt down beside her, observing her calm expression as he sighed. There was one thing he didn't get to say earlier.

I don't trust you. Not yet.

But I want to like you, Crawford. I really do. 

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