2. Holiday News

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The summer holiday passed and Junia was partly glad that she had not been hearing about the Blacks from her mother. Perhaps her speculation was wrong. Perhaps it really was just a nice gesture between two family friends. But it is still hard to believe, if that is even true.

Junia knew her mother never really liked Mrs Black. She had met her a few times before the last dinner at the Black's home, and she could always sense some sort of unfinished dispute between the two women. They could hardly pass as friends.

Junia made her way through the platform. Her mother seems to have business to attend to, so she was alone. Though it really is no big deal for her. It wouldn't be the first time for Junia. Her mother has never really been present after all.

She made her way through the crowd of families waving goodbye to their children, making her way to the train. She was nearly late, so she didn't have time to find her friends before the train started moving.

Coincidentally, the first compartment she came across had only one person in it. And that one person happens to be the boy she had met only two weeks ago.

Junia opened the door and poked her head in, "Would you mind if I join you in here?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The first few months of her sixth year passed without much difference from her previous years', but she did notice how more and more of the people in her year started to get into romantic relationships and host more and more wilder parties.

Junia didn't mind. In fact, she kind of enjoys it. There was a party every week, and Junia never had to think twice before attending them. Especially the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff's ones, they have a lot of lovely music. She never had much of a chance to listen to muggle music, so she took the opportunity she had from those parties.

The drinks were delightful too, and she occasionally enjoys the relief she feels after a glass or two, especially after quizzes and tests.

Junia obviously does not support underage drinking but it was 1976, and she was a young teenager trying her best to enjoy life. And Junia was smart enough to know her limits to avoid the consequences of getting drunk. Amidst her growing appreciation for weekly parties, she still knew the importance of prioritising her studies.

But again, it would be no surprise that Junia managed to experience a night at somebody else's dorm for the first time.

The parties weren't the only new thing for her this year. She had managed to form a friendship with Regulus Black. They were more alike than one might think and they bonded through similar experiences they had growing up in a pureblood family.

Junia went back home that winter break feeling joyful and light, but it wouldn't be long before her mother greets her with a news she had dreaded.

"We'll be attending the Christmas party at the Black's this year. The Blacks and I have made arrangements for you and their son, so you need to..." her mother's words soon faded as her thoughts consumed her mind. An arrangement with another pureblood's family son could only mean one thing: Securing the purity of the family line. And that can only happen through marriage.

Junia knew this was going to eventually happen, but she can't help herself from being overwhelmed by the thought of her future as a wife to someone she does not want to marry. But Regulus couldn't be that bad, could he? They have been talking for a while and she had to admit that she likes to have him as a company.

She could see herself with him. He is not a pureblood supremacist and is genuinely nice. She could definitely deal with that and he is quite attractive. But it would still mean the same thing, she will never be able to escape the pureblood name that has only brought misery into her life so far. She couldn't do this, she couldn't do that. She has to do this, she has to do that.

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