27. Hagrid's Hut

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"Give him this. He should be fully asleep by the time I arrive.

And don't forget the keys. - R.A.B."

Junia sighed and picked up the green liquid with yellow bubbles. It was a fairly small vial, with a skull on the top of the cork. She would have assumed it was poison if it were from anyone else, but Regulus would never do that to his brother.

"What's that?" Sirius's voice came from the open door, prompting her to shove the vial into her pockets.

"Cold syrup," she lied.

"You caught a cold?" Sirius asked. Their days together have really made them more and more comfortable with one another. And living under one roof has certainly allowed them to embrace the one benefit of being in a forced marriage; less chores for both.

"Just a cough, is dinner ready?" Junia asked. Since she can barely cook anything, Sirius has taken it upon himself to cook in the house. It was the least he could do with being out so much.

Sirius nodded as he turned and walked out again.

Junia followed him behind, "So— Are you going anywhere tonight?"

"No. Duty's taken over by Remus today," Sirius answered, as they reached the last few steps.

Junia knew that, she just needed a conversation starter for her more important question. "Would you like to drink then?" Junia asked hopefully.

Sirius chuckled, "What?"

Junia frowned.

"Oh, you're serious?" Sirius asked after seeing her face.

"Nevermind then," Junia said as she sat on the dining chair. She knew he would want to drink even more now.

"Oh, c'mon now, Crawford," Sirius laughed as he sat on his seat. "I made steak. For you. With your favourite sauce."

Junia pretended not to hear, "Thanks, but the offer is no longer up."

Sirius pulled away her plate, "That means no steak for you then, love."

"Fine, I'll get the drink," Junia tried to suppress a smile. It has been a while since her days of scheming like this.

Sirius smirked with pride, thinking he got her. He didn't have to know. Junia went to get the bottle of red wine from their drink stack. Junia had picked one that she got in the muggle shop downtown.

"Good choice," Sirius said as he went to take two glasses.

"You know this?" Junia raised a brow.

"Course," Sirius scoffed. "It was the first muggle wine I drank with Remus."

They carried on to talk through their meal, Junia had gone to wash the dishes while Sirius poured himself another glass. Junia purposely spilled the leftover sauce onto her sleeve. "Shit."

"What is it?"

"Would you please get me a napkin, Black," she said.

Sirius quickly got up from his seat, looking around for it in the cabinet where they usually store them. "Where—"

"The laundry room, I think. I left it there to dry this morning," Junia told him. She watched as he disappeared from her view, before she took the vial out and poured the liquid inside. Sirius emerged from behind the wall with the napkin in one hand.

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