Chapter two

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SOTD- Cake by Melanie Martinez and For The First Time by Mac Demarco

Kind of a short chapter but next one will be longer. Anyways, enjoyyyy🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

"Hey, Knives." Ghost stood there. I stared into his eyes, seeing the nervousness pouring into the dark brown. "What the fuck!" Alora practically shouted. I stared into his eyes trying to feel something. I only felt two things. Heartbreak and anger.

"Hey, Knives? That's all you have to say after a fucking year?!" I could feel the anger bubble up inside of me. "I had to go, I'm sorry. I couldn't take it anymore."

"And you thought I could? That Gaz and Price could? You left Ghost!" I let out a laugh of disbelief, the anger creating tears in my eyes. Those tears I wouldn't allow to fall. "I came to talk to you, y/n," He told me. I let out yet, another laugh of disbelief. All this time I didn't know what I would do if I saw him again. I didn't know if I would yell or cry, or maybe even both. But now... I couldn't help but allow the anger to crawl through my veins and consume me whole.

"What? You need something? The only time you come back is when you need something?" My voice began to rise and my eyes glared straight into his. "Fuck you, Ghost."

"Okay, I think it's time for you to go." Alora stepped in, placing her hand on my shoulder. Ghost's eyes stared into mine, hoping that I would give him a moment of my time. I could feel the anger trickle away and the lump that formed in my throat made it hard to breathe. It felt as if a large rack had been lodged down my throat, keeping me from inhaling and exhaling correctly.

I walked away, leaving the pair behind. I needed to get to my room. Twelve steps never felt so far before. It felt as if I had walked a mile before I was finally able to reach my door.

The walls that surrounded me felt like a barrier. This barrier kept me from the man who broke my heart worse than anyone ever could've. I locked the door, feeling the lump in my throat get heavier. I sucked in a sharp breath of air, collapsing onto my neatly made bed. I crumpled the thin blanket in my palm, trying to breathe correctly.

Silent tears slipped down my cheeks and I could hear Alora yelling at Ghost. I tuned out what she was saying and sat in the dark. The moonlight seeped through the open blinds, pouring down onto my blanket. I let out a soft sigh, wiping away the tears that managed to escape.

I reached into my desk, pulling out a small box. I grabbed the white box, pulling it open. The silver dog tags that I kept glistened beneath the moonlight. There were two chains. Ghost and mine. I moved the two dog tags to the side and reached for the bracelet. "Find the silver lining" the cursive words etched out into the silver. I hadn't worn this bracelet in a long time.

The bracelet felt unfamiliar in my hand and I could feel a small part of me chip away. I placed the bracelet back in the box and put it away.

I heard a small knock on my door and I stood up to open it. My eyes connected to Alora's face, seeing a tired look in her eyes. Her curly hair had been pulled back and I could only guess that she was about to get ready for a fight. Alora wasn't exactly the sanest person in the world, but I loved her nonetheless.

"He's gone." She assured me. I slowly nodded my head, regaining composure as she stepped in. "Who was that?" She asked me. It had occurred to me that I never told her about Ghost. I never told her how we met and how we ended. "That was Ghost."

"What kind of name is that?" She scrunched up her nose as if she had smelled something horrible. "It's his callsign. Knives was mine- but I haven't been called that in a long time." I sat down on the bed next to her, leaning against my headboard. "So he left you?"

"Not just me. He left everyone. And I don't think I can forgive him for that." I dug my nail into my palm as a way to keep the tears back. It had become a small method for me that only seemed to work partially. "I'm going to let you get some sleep." She pulled me in for a small hug before leaving. She knew that I liked being alone more than being accompanied.

That night, I had gotten ready for bed. Sleep never came easy that night for me. My eyelids began to feel heavy, yet- there was something that kept me from falling asleep. Maybe it was Ghost's brown eyes. They were saddened and filled with pure sorrow.

That night, I fell asleep to that image in my mind. My alarm clock blared through my silent room and my eyes slowly fluttered open, taking in the familiar surroundings. The sunlight poured a warm glow into the room, adding a comforting effect to the still morning. I sat up and turned the alarm off. "I don't know why I still do this shit," I grumbled as I tossed the blanket off of me. 

I was never a morning person even in the Marines. I had the opportunity to finally sleep in- yet, I never took it. I figured it was because it was a routine I didn't feel like giving up just yet. Go to bed at a specific time... Wake up early... Make your bed... Get ready... Get on with your daily tasks. My daily task for the day was heading down to the shooting range.

My friend, Amir, owned the shooting range. I stood up, feeling the cold wooden floorboards against my feet. I got ready wearing a simple outfit. Although I wasn't a morning person, I found comfort in the cold mornings. I tossed a coat on and left the loft, locking the door behind me.

I made my way out of the building and the cold air immediately nipped at my skin. Wintertime was quickly approaching and the branches of the trees were bare. It was supposed to snow in a few days.

I loved and hated the winter at the same time. I loved how beautiful the snow was and I hated being out on the field when it was snowing and cold. "Knives!"

My stomach churned at the familiar voice- but not in a good way. I turned around, slightly frustrated at seeing Ghost. "Don't call me that." I looked up at him, speaking in irritation. "Look, I know you hate me. But I really need you."

I let out a sigh of annoyance, growing more impatient with him. A small part of me wanted to hear him. To listen to what he had to say. And a huge part of me wouldn't let the heartbreak he caused go. He hurt me really fucking badly. I crossed my arms over my chest and let out another sigh, trying to calm the anger that had crept and crawled into my veins.

"I have things to do." I turned around and began to walk away. Hopefully this time, he will leave me alone.

The words that came from his mouth made me stop dead in my tracks. I could feel immediate tears fall down my cheeks and my heart pounded against my chest. I felt as if I was a deer in headlights, completely frozen still. My mind tried registering what it was that he had told me. The ache that I felt deep down resurfaced and found its place back in my heart. But another part of me was incredibly happy and I felt hopeful.

I turned back around and my eyes flitted to meet his. "Are you sure?" I asked him. He nodded his head and stepped closer to me until he was only three feet away from me.

"I'm 90% sure Soap is still alive."

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