Chapter Twenty-One

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A/n: This isn't relevant but I'm forcing my step-dad to tattoo my name on him. If he doesn't I'm blowing him up with a sticky bomb. I've been playing gta too much🤭

SOTD- Bathroom by Montell Fish

I could feel my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. It was as if everything had stopped moving as I watched Landon laying on the ground. The lenses of his glasses that were too big for his face were cracked. The crimson blood spilt onto the ground beneath him- soaking Ghost's combat boots. Landon's cracked lips trembled and his long lashes batted against his cracked glasses. He tried speaking, but immediately closed his mouth.

"Come on! We have to go!" I said. "Ghost grab Landon, I'll help Soap!"

We wasted no time. I gave Soap my handgun and threw his arm over my shoulder as I took most of his weight for him. My legs felt like jello as we ran through those halls. The smell of smoke burned into my lungs leaving a burning sensation to burrow deep into my chest.

Thoughts scrambled my mind and I couldn't think clearly. It was like I was a zombie, mindlessly moving down the hall and through the staircase. I couldn't keep my mind on the priority- yet, I knew I had one.

I could hear my heartbeat ring through my ears. The pumping was fast and unsteady as it had been throughout this entire mission. A little voice in the back of my head pushed through the thoughts that hammered into me and throughout my being and it screamed at me to keep moving. That voice was older than I was. The voice that I had always listened to. Although the voice was small- it outweighed the ones that screamed at me.

I could see the exit lay out in front of me like a prize. And once I reached it, the smoke grew thicker. I coughed as I dragged Soap along with me, hearing his pained grunts.

The scene was more chaotic than what I thought it'd be. Buildings collapsed due to the explosions. Fire burned harshly into the dark night, embers rising into the dark sky. Flames scorched buildings and tents, burning everything into ash... into nothingness. In an odd sense- it was beautiful. The way the flames danced intensely into the sky. The smoke that poisoned the air as I inhaled.

"Go faster!" I heard Ghost's voice shout at me from behind. My feet slapped against the tough dirt as I dragged Soap with me. Those Humvees were like the pearly gates of heaven. Our ticket back to Alejandro's base where the air was clean and free of the scorching fire.

Price ran up to me and grabbed Soap for me. I turned to see Landon over Ghost's shoulder- his body limp. My face fell as I saw him dangle like a rag doll. "It's fine, he's still breathing," Ghost told me.

I let out a sigh and my eyes flitted to the burning base. "I guess you weren't able to plant your explosives huh?" I looked at Ghost.

I could see something flash in his eyes before the big building exploded. We were a safe distance away so the explosion didn't affect us. I looked at the burning building that was now nothing but rubble. More flames and even more smoke rose into the air.

"Descansen en paz hermanos y hermanas." I heard Alejandro say silently as he looked at the building with sorrow. (Rest and peace brothers and sisters)

I knew this was about his soldiers that didn't make it. I clasp my hand over his shoulder before entering the Humvee.

The rest felt sort of like a blur once we made it back to base. It was as if time had molded into a second. By the time we had gotten back to base we rushed Soap and Landon to medical. The doctors ushered Landon to prepare for surgery and they had put Soap into a sperarate room.

Ghost, Price, Gaz, and I sat in the waiting room for what felt like an eternity. None of us spoke a word. The silence almost seemed deafening and quickly grew unbearable. My leg bounced up and down at a rapid pace and I continued glancing at the clock that hung to the beige walls.

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