Chapter Twenty

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SOTD- See You Again by Tyler The Creator ft. Kali Uchis

This was the final ending. The last act. Maybe it would end in blood and tears. Maybe it would end in happiness. Certainly there would be a few fatalities... and I expected one of them to be mine.


The smell of smoke of Price's cigar wafted through the air. We stared at the base from afar. It wasn't much. I wouldn't exactly describe it as a base. It was basically a compound. The night air felt cool against my skin. I had worn a tank top and a bulletproof vest over it along with black cargos. I inhaled the cool air and slowly exhaled.

I could feel my heart beating into my chest and my grip on my gun was tight. My stomach twisted in knots and it felt like I would throw up. This wasn't the adrenaline I was used to.

Something deep down inside of me told me something was going to happen... somebody was going to get hurt.

I looked over at Ghost. He seemed fixated on the building that was a small distance away from us. His eyes locked onto the building and his stare was dark and brooding. He clenched his semiautomatic rifle in his hands. I knew he craved revenge. I knew that's why he carried a duffel bag with explosives. Retrieve Soap, release the innocent civilians, and the army with nothing.

Reinforcements rolled in- heavy tanks were in position. We were ready to make the first strike. "Move in!" Alejandro ordered. A few soldiers stayed back to take targets down at a distance. "Sightless, I'm going to need you to kill all the lights," I say through the coms.

"Roger that."

The bright, blinding lights that illuminated the base had shut off. Soldiers were left in the dark, the moon barely a source of light for any of them. I cut my night-vision on. Hues of green glowed through the lenses and I looked at the targets more clearly.

To me, they were nothing but a target. My bullet would rip through their flesh and into a vital organ just as I had practiced on the cutouts. Before that, they were nothing but a confirmed kill... a number to increase the score.

And after that...

They're nothing but a body.

Who they were... their names didn't matter. Their lives before this or the family they have or had didn't matter either. It was just another beating heart inside of a bag of flesh and bones. The trigger that my finger was wrapped around was their fate. Squeeze the trigger and they die. The bullet would seal their fate.

It was easier thinking that way while I watched their bodies drop. It was easier to think of them as nothing when I sprayed my bullets into their chests- watching the harsh friction nearly rip them apart.

It was easier while watching their blood spill beneath them. To become so numb to death and killing was both a blessing and a curse. Before, I would see their lifeless eyes haunting me in my dreams. Now, I took them down like it was nothing. Like they were nothing.

The adrenaline began kicking in. The nauseous feeling subsided as I continued squeezing the trigger. The butt of my gun harshly into my shoulder- but the kickback gave me more fuel.

I kept my eyes forward- watching the soldiers blindly shoot through the dark. I knew Sightless had already hacked into their system so they couldn't call for reinforcements. Either way... they were fucked.

Alejandro's soldiers departed from us to free the civilians on the west side. The explosions from the Tanks made the ground beneath my feet shake. They targeted all buildings except for one. That's the building all the captives were inside.

Doing It All For Love (Ghost x reader)Where stories live. Discover now