Chapter Eleven

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SOTD- Black Sheep by Brie Larson (it's the song from Scott Pilgrim don't judge it's so good🤭)

A/n: I'm not even gonna lie, this chapter is short and shitty. I've honestly been really unmotivated and I didn't even feel like writing but I mustered up enough energy so forgive me if it's not that good.

I stare at myself in the mirror for what felt like forever. I mapped out my features. My eyes seemed darker than before. My face was set in stone, only morphing into a slight scowl each time I looked at myself.

I gripped the edge of the sink as I thought about today. Blowing up a fucking plane? It wasn't too unusual for me. But this time, I wouldn't be doing it with an army of my men. I wouldn't be on the good side. I'd be committing a crime. Would it matter? Either way, I was a killer. I'd always be a killer.

Watching life leave people's eyes was normal for me. Shooting a person down was nothing to me. It was just a body I took down. This couldn't be any different. They were the opposing team. And when you have enemies- you take them down.

I clutched the black balaclava mask in my hands, feeling the cloth gently brush against the skin of my palm. My phone chimed and it was a text from Alora. I shifted my gaze back to the mirror and mindlessly reached into my duffel bag, pulling out the silver bracelet.

The bracelet felt cold and unfamiliar in my touch. I couldn't help but feel sick as I looked down at it. The letters were nothing but bullshit. Silver linings didn't exist to me anymore.

I shoved the bracelet back into my duffel bag and let out a long exhale. Ghost and I built the bomb rather quickly and with the help of Antonio. I was dressed head to toe in black gear. Only this time, I didn't have a bulletproof vest. The fact that I didn't have added weight felt unfamiliar to me. Although I hated the added weight, I couldn't help but feel a little... Naked.

I stuffed my mask into my pocket, the remainder sticking out of it. I reached for my duffel bag and lifted it from the sink. As soon as I exited the bathroom, I could feel eyes land on me. Nico, Landon, Antonio, and Ghost all stared at me, worry filling their eyes. I grabbed my gun and checked the clip, making sure it was fully loaded. "You almost ready?" My question was directed at Ghost since he was coming too. "I'm ready," He confirmed.

I cocked my gun and stuck it into the waistline of my black cargo pants. I topped it off with a jacket to mainly hide the gun and fixed the laces on my boots, making sure to double-knot them.

"Well then, let's get going," I said. The feeling of their eyes on me crawled over my skin, swallowing me whole. With each step I took, each thud echoed into my ears- almost deafening. With each step, my heart got tugged at. Each step felt like an eternity. It felt like I was walking in water. Each step felt glued to the perfectly maintained carpet. But I continued walking. No matter how heavy each step got- no matter how much my conscience screamed at me- I continued going. The elevator ride seemed as if it were taunting me. My imprecise reflection in the metal doors looked like a funhouse mirror, staring back at me. Telling me that this is the person I am now. A criminal... A burning fire... A killer.

"If you want to back out just say the word. We can deal with the soldiers on our own." Just as he spoke, it felt like his voice pulled me from the bottom of the ocean. Tidal waves of thoughts filled my lungs, creating a burning sensation- he was my breath of air.

My eyes met his as we shared a longing look. "No, we can't be slowed down," I declined his offer.

The small ding of the elevators felt like a stab in the heart. It seemed taunting. "Here's the gate to hell, stupid." The ding almost felt like a devilish sneer. Our footsteps were in sync. The eyes of the guards on us burned straight through us.

"Ah! You got my package?" Dion's chuckle sent daggers deep into my chest. "Right here." Ghost set the small bag on the table and Dion only grinned at the sight of it. He had one of his men zip open the bag to reveal the bomb. "Parfait." He grinned as his eyes lit up in excitement.

He snapped at one of his men and the faceless man quickly zipped up the bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Game plan." Dion leaned against his table, continuously shifting his gaze between Ghost and me. "You," He pointed at me. "You will sneak the bomb into the plane. And you," He pointed at Ghost. "Will assist me and my men as we shoot the airplane hangar to shit to give them a nice distraction." He beamed.

"And what if Jacob heads straight toward the plane?" I ask. "He'll more than likely be heavily guarded so if we can't catch him in the crossfire, we will catch him in the plane. Whether it'd be by your bullet or by your explosive." He continued to grin. "Personally, I'd like to see the plane go boom!" He laughed.

"Let's get on with this," Ghost grumbled. Walking with Dion and his men felt like walking with an army. No one paid much attention to us- thank god.

Four black SUVs lined up neatly in a row. Both Ghost and I followed Dion into one of them, piling in with a few of his men. Once my back firmly collided with the leather seat, I heard Dion let out a heavy exhale. He pulled out a cigar, sticking it between his teeth. The flame to his lighter flickered and lit up the end of his cigar. "Well," He spoke as he blew smoke from his parted lips. "You guys nervous?" He chuckled with excitement.

"Hardly," I grumbled. "I love the enthusiasm."

Ghost remained silent for the car ride and as soon as we pulled up to the hangar, we put our masks on. I didn't want to risk my identity being revealed. Ghost's famous skull mask was replaced with a plain balaclava mask since he was most known for the skull.

"Alright," Dion dropped the bag onto my lap. "There's an entrance on the side. Sneak in and we will distract."

I grabbed my gun and gripped the handle of the bag, feeling the rough fabric press against my skin. I hopped out of the car, leaving the door ajar.

My combat boots sunk into the dirt, creating a satisfying footprint as I continued walking closer to the hangar. I remained alert, moving closer to the left side where Dion had instructed me. I reached the side, seeing two guards standing there smoking cigarettes. I raised my gun, and the suppressor aimed directly at one of the guard's heads. Their bodies collided with the dirt ground as I squeezed the trigger two times, listening to the satisfying suppressed gunshots.

I opened the door, sneaking inside. The hangar was large and filled with small helicopters. Every aircraft was a helicopter, except for a large plane that Jacob would board.

Loud gunshots echoed into the hangar. I snuck into the plane, remaining unseen. I quickly found a hiding spot for the bomb where Jacob, nor his men would even look. The mission had gone by rather quickly and easily. Too easy.

As I turned around, I came face to face with the barrel of a gun. The hand had an olive complexion and the eyes that pierced into mine were a shade of dark brown with a dangerous glint in them. Jacob.

I slowly raised my hands, dropping the gun from my grasp and listening to it clutter beside me. He grinned as he kept his gun pointed straight at my head.

"Show yourself."


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