Chapter Five

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SOTD- The Night We Met by Lord Huron

Could it be possible to be a stranger to yourself? To forget almost everything you used to love? Each time I looked in the mirror, I could feel something inside of me shift. My features seemed imprecise- unfamiliar. I seemed unfamiliar. The tattoos that were inked out on my flesh told a story. Somehow- I could hardly recall them. I could hardly recall anything. I couldn't recall the happiness I used to feel- the hope that I held close to me. The silver linings I pulled from certain situations. That was the person I used to be. The person I am now was a complete stranger. I was molded into a figure that had been created from bad situations. I was the opposite of the person I wanted to be.

I was a person who had been blinded with anger. Blindly running through battlefields, the only thing that kept me going was the rage that coursed through my veins. Although the rage gnawed at me, tearing away pieces of my flesh, I found comfort in the burning hot rage and basked in it even.

I couldn't help but pick at the menu that had been laminated. The rough edges scratched against my fingertips and my fingertips fought back, bending away at the menu. "We need an aircraft." Ghost's voice seemed distant although he sat right across from me. Landon comfortably took a seat beside me, still afraid of Ghost. "We might have to go out of the States." His voice grew even more distant as if he and Landon were nothing but background noises.

I could feel a small nudge on my right arm and I knew that the bony elbow belonged to a scrawny arm- which belonged to Landon. I turned my gaze to the brunette, his large glasses that were too big for his face sat on the bridge of his nose. He looked like a geek in those corny high school movies, where their depiction of high school is the furthest from modern high school.

I looked up at him through my lashes, my lips pressed into a thin line. My face was almost a scowl and I couldn't help but allow the anger to linger. "Uh- we were talking about stealing an aircraft- well, your friend was."

I only let out a short laugh. The thought of Landon stealing am aircraft with Ghost was somewhat humorous. "No need, I know a friend." I placed the menu back onto the cheap table.

"Is there a possibility we could die doing this?" Landon asked. I looked into his brown eyes, trying to find any fear or nervousness. But there was none. Maybe he realized that it was time to nut up and live life on the edge. Maybe he got sick of being a coward. I would've too. "Yes," I answered blatantly. There was no use in sugar coating any of this. He knew the risks and by my surprise, he took them.

"There are some things I want to do if I end up getting caught in crossfire," He spoke matter-of-factly as he adjusted in his seat. "And what's that? Get laid?" I questioned, hearing Ghost stifle back his laughter. Landon sat in silence and my eyes grew wide. "Holy shit." I sat there, a little shocked. Landon was a virgin. But was that really surprising?

"So what you're telling me is..." Ghost leaned forward, clearly interested in this topic of conversation. Landon sat a bit awkward in his seat as he folded his hands neatly in front of him. "You want us to help you... Get laid?" I could almost hear the grin in his voice.

"I would like it very much if you wouldn't judge me." Landon got a little defensive about the topic and he continued trying to make his scrawny body appear bigger. I had more muscle than him. "This is a judgemental free zone." I shot Ghost a look, although I had been stifling a laugh of my own. "I told myself I wouldn't die without- ya know... And I sure as hell won't."

I nodded my head slowly, covering the smile that slipped with my hand. Once I regained myself, I allowed my hand to fall down and rest on the cool table. "Alright, Ghost here will help you," I offered, earning a glare from Ghost.

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