Chapter Four

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SOTD- Statement of Vindication by Bikini Kill

If you see spelling mistakes.... No you didn't.

If I had said no to this I probably would've been at home, binge-watching horror movies and stuffing my gut with junk food at the same time. Maybe, I would've been working out while loud music blares through my earbuds to at least try and distract myself from the wave of thoughts that crashed over my mind. I wouldn't be here with a man tied down in a chair in his own home.

His screams were muffled through the tape that Ghost had put over his mouth. Ghost was busy hacking into the man's computer and I stood on guard. "Don't worry man, we won't kill you," I assured him. The gun on my hip didn't exactly help at all with what I was saying.

"Will you be good if I take the tape off?" I asked him in a sweet voice. I needed to ask him questions and he wouldn't be able to answer with tape over his mouth. He nodded his head eagerly and I reached for the tape and yanked it off, earning a pained yelp from him. "First thing's first." I reached for a chair and plopped down on it, using the backside to rest my elbows. "Where did you get the intel about that mission?" I questioned.

"I'm a former hacker who worked in an underground base for the military. Keeping tabs was my job," He explained rather quickly. "What's it to you?" I heard Ghost snap. "Soap and I were friends somewhat. When I got word that he got blown to bits, I did some digging of my own." He shifted his gaze between Ghost and me as he stumbled upon his words a bit. "I-if you untie me I'll be happy to share my information," He offered, sitting straighter in his seat.

I turned my head, my eyes meeting Ghost's as I waited for his confirmation. He gave me a head nod and I pulled out a pocket knife, snapping the sharp blade open. "Woah! There's no need for any of that." He chuckled nervously, his face was panic-stricken. I reached for the ropes, cutting them off with ease in one swift movement.

His tense muscles relaxed as he rubbed his wrists. "Thank you," He mumbled softly. I gave him a head nod and stood up from my seat. I reached for his collar, balling the fabric into my palm as I yanked him from his seat. "Keep it pushing, Einstein," I ordered as I followed closely behind him.

Ghost took a step back from Landon's laptop and the nervous brunette took his seat. He typed away at the keyboard, the clacking sounds filling the long silence. "Here is a list of the bodies found- and a majority were unidentified." He pointed at the long list that was pulled up on the computer screen. "If Soap was on here then he would've been marked. But he's not- so either they're hiding something or he is alive."

Ghost and I turned to look at each other, both of us leaning in close to Landon as we looked at the screen over his shoulder. "What's the best way to find him?" I asked.

"I could be your inside guy. I can hack into anything you want me to." He stood up from his seat, clearly getting a little excited. "We don't take tagalongs." Ghost muttered darkly as he turned to walk away. "Well then good luck with this! It's gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack without me!" Landon called out, a bit too overly confident.

Ghost stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. His gaze was dark and his build was bigger than normal. I let out an exasperated sigh as Ghost made his way to Landon with a dangerous look in his eyes. Landon backed up a bit, cowering a bit as he bumped into his table with a quiet thud.

Ghost gripped Landon's collar, staring dangerously into his eyes. "O-or I could just ask nicely." Landon let out a nervous chuckle. "Pack your things and don't take long. And you don't speak unless you're spoken to, got it?" Ghost's tone was low and dangerous. Landon nodded his head quickly and scurried to grab his things. "He's not a hostage, Ghost." I chuckled a bit, rolling my eyes. Ghost shrugged his shoulders and left the house, letting the heavy door slam shut behind him.

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