Chapter Twelve

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SOTD- Casual Sex by My Darkest Days

A/n: My apologies if my writing has been getting a little crappy I am aware😭 Just please bare with me guys and it will get better.

Do you know when people say your life flashes before your eyes when you're in a life-or-death situation? Let me correct that for you- it's bullshit. When you can feel deep down that you won't make it- you begin to think about the things you regret. Maybe you regret losing your virginity to that one person. You regret getting together with that specific person. You regret the way a certain friendship ended. You don't see your future- you see your past, almost as if you are looking through a lens of your mistakes- mentally bitch slapping yourself for the things you didn't do differently.

As I stared at that silver gun, the handle with the engraved rose design seemed almost taunting. His eyes- they seemed worse. There was nothing behind them. They only told me one thing: he was ready to pull the trigger.

When I looked into his eyes, I felt the same thing that I saw in his eyes. Nothing.

I had already said farewell to the world and at least I had gone out the same way I pictured it. A bastard and a gun. Just the way it was supposed to be. Deep down, I knew this would happen. Even when I left the Marines- I knew. "Show your face."

I contemplated it for a moment before shrugging my shoulders. There are two ways he will die today. Option one: By my gun if I'm lucky enough. Option two: By the bomb me, Ghost, and Antonio built; the only problem is, I would die too. I reached for my mask and peeled it slowly from my face. I let in a deep breath of air that felt so much fresher. I didn't know how Ghost always wore a mask.

"Holy shit," He chuckled. Usually, a chuckle like that would've sent a shiver up my spine. The only thing I could think of was when he would pull the trigger. Not if, but when.

"Yeah, yeah. Want an autograph?" I spoke sarcastically with a cheeky grin on my face. He only hummed in amusement. "That sounds lovely. But you know what would be even more lovely?"

I raised an eyebrow at his question. "Painting the floor with your brains." His lips curled into a wide smile, almost sadistically. I shrug my shoulders, my eyes staring into his. "Go for it, I'll give you the first shot." My eyes dared him to pull the trigger. He wrapped his finger along the trigger as he stared down at me. "With pleasure."

I quickly moved out of the way- almost as if my survival instinct had completely taken over. I kicked him in the side of his leg and his leg buckled immediately.

He fell down to the ground, his gun dropping to the ground with a satisfying cluttering noise. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and grabbed his gun, which was far more closer than mine. The silver felt cold in my hand, yet there was a slight satisfaction that I felt with the cold metal pressed against my palm.

"Hey!" As soon as I heard the voices of unfamiliar men, I pulled Jacob close to me. I positioned him in front of me, my arm wrapped around his throat, while my free hand kept the gun aimed at his head.

"Kill her!" Jacob screamed at his men. If my timing is correct, I have three minutes until this plane blows up. That's three minutes to hatch up a plan to get the hell out of here. His men froze as they tried to find a good aim, but Jacob was being used as a shield. "Now!" Jacob screamed.

Their guns went off, bullets whizzing by. I could feel my flesh getting torn on the side of my cheek as a bullet skinned me. Time was shaving down to only two minutes. Two minutes to get out of here.

I quickly ducked into cover, my grip around Jacob's neck only tightened as he tried to escape my tight grasp. "Stay still!" I spoke through gritted teeth as I shot down a few soldiers. "Bitch!" Jacob cried out as I tightened my grip. The soldiers ran to cover, coming out every few seconds. There wasn't enough time.

I knew I wouldn't make it. But still, something down inside of me prevented me from giving up. I had to at least try. I ignored the tightening feeling in my chest each time my brain screamed at me that this was the end. I managed to take down the last soldier, quickly running out of bullets. My grip on Jacob loosened and I hit him harshly with his gun, pistol-whipping him.

"One minute," I spoke breathlessly, still feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. One minute to make it out of here and hopefully live to see another day.

Jacob's body went limp against mine as he sucked in a sharp breath, completely falling flat on his stomach. Crimson blood dripped down his olive skin as his cold eyes flitted around the plane, taking in his surroundings. I pushed myself up and quickly ran. I could hear a gunshot go off right behind me.

Jacob had taken my gun, which lay on the ground with a ghosting feeling of emptiness. I could feel a burning hot sensation in the back of my leg. My running slowed into a quick limp as I tried my best to keep moving. My hand gripped the back of my thigh as I felt the warm blood seep through my fingers. I slammed my palm against the red button that controlled the opening of the plane.

As it slowly went up, I managed to hop out in the nick of time, the door fully shutting behind me.

Ten seconds.

I used what little time I had left to run as far away as I could. The blood seeped into my clothing, dripping down my leg. I limped away as fast and as far as I could, my heart beating harshly into my chest.

The gunshots had stopped a while ago, leaving a sickening feeling of emptiness. It felt like a second when the plane blew to bits. White flashes in my eyes and the impact threw me as if I were a ragdoll. My vision blurred and my ears rang. The feeling of my body colliding against the concrete floor sent a shock up my body that I couldn't quite register. My head pounded and my ears rang. Smoke filled the hangar that had been destroyed due to the impact of the explosion. I could feel my lungs burn for fresh air as smoke began to fill them. I let out a few coughs, feeling a stinging pain deep inside my chest.

I used my elbow to prop myself up, my vision slowly coming into focus. Smoke and rubble filled the half-destroyed hangar. "Shit." I coughed some more and I could feel the hard wall against my slouched back.

I took a look down at my leg where I felt the most pain. A puddle of warm blood spilled over the concrete, and my pant leg was completely soaked with blood. I let out a sharp exhale, feeling the pounding in my head become harsher. My hands were scraped from trying to catch my fall and my ears still rang loudly.

I felt hands grab onto my face, turning my head. I immediately felt comfortable once my eyes locked onto the brown eyes that gave me so much comfort. I could see the print of his lips moving but I couldn't hear what he said.

He swiftly helped me up to the ground, slinging my arm over his shoulder. He carried most of my weight as he held me close to him. His body heat was comforting and I felt a little weary. I wanted to so badly go back to the room and fall asleep. Ghost rushed me to an SUV and quickly helped me in. Dion had an excited facial expression of a giddy child. He began talking but I couldn't hear him.

"What?!" I asked. My voice was raspy and hoarse and I must have shouted because Dion moved back slightly. Ghost kept a protective arm around me and during the ride, I could feel the weariness crawl over me and engulf me whole.

Ghost continued to shake me awake and slowly the sound of their voices came back. Ghost took it upon himself to wrap my bullet wound, telling me he would patch me up as soon as we got back to the room.

I let out the first sigh of relief as I leaned my head back. The pounding slowed and fortunately went away.

My eyelids began to get heavy and it felt as if my body was getting weighed down. It wasn't the uncomfortable weight down- yet, it was soothing. I basked in the heaviness that I felt. Ghost's arm around me added more comfort.

"Don't worry, I got you," He whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin. My lips twitched into a small smile as I inhaled softly. And that's when I realized...

That was the first smile that I recognized in a year.

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