Chapter Seventeen

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SOTD- Born To Die by Lana Del Rey


Without companions; solitary

LONELY. That was a feeling I often felt. Even as I wake up and hear the sounds of people talking- I could still feel that feeling deep down inside of me that I loathed so much.

But when I first looked into those brown eyes. Those damn eyes that stared at me with such intimidation- I felt intrigued. As if a force pulled me toward him. From when his eyes locked onto mine... from his kisses to his touch... that feeling had left and had yet to return. In some ways, he was my hell. But in every way...

He was my savior.


"Let's put this back where it belongs," Ghost said. I could feel the cold silver bracelet clasping around my wrist. This time... the feeling didn't feel unfamiliar or out of place.

If I was asked the definition of love before I met Simon, I would've described it as just a feeling that happened to be shared between people. But now... I'd describe it as the thing that kept me going. It was the thing that guided me in the right direction when I spiraled. It saved me...

He saved me.

Gaz informed Price that he would be returning to base. Price was on a mission with Alejandro and his squad. What Gaz failed to mention was Ghost and my arrival. He wanted it to be a surprise.

"This is the last few hours we'll spend together," Landon spoke in sorrow. His shoulders were slumped and his head hung low. "Hey," I lightly kicked his shin, forcing him to look up at me. Landon's brown eyes looked into mine. "You did damn good, kid."

Landon's lips curled into a smile as he shook his head and mumbled, "It's whatever," with a sheepish smile. I laughed lightly and leaned back in my seat.

The flight consisted of everyone talking. Ghost stayed silent the majority of the time and I knew he was listening. "We're close." Antonio reminded us. I could feel a wave of sadness wash over me. It hit me that all of us would probably never see each other again.

Landon and Antonio would fly off as soon as we touched the ground. We would find Soap and then be off on our own. Ghost made it clear what he wanted after this. And for once... I finally saw a happy life outside the Marines.

During this past month, we have grown close to each other. We've spilled blood and sweat over this and grown stronger together.

"Oh! And when I was shooting those soldiers from the airplane!" Landon laughed as we all reminisced about the past month. "That was the first time I shot at anything!"

We laughed along with Landon- and before we knew it... the plane began to lower. I could feel the sinking feeling in my gut. But this time... it was much more different. Although I was a bit saddened, I felt happy. I was happy that through all of this, we grew so close. I was happy that this mission would soon come to an end. I was happy because I was closer to having a normal life with Ghost. No... with Simon.

The mechanical whir of the rotor blades slowed and the back opening dropped. The light poured into the aircraft and each of us walked down the steep ramp.

Price, Alejandro, and Rudy all awaited us. Price's catlike smile faltered as his eyes flitted between me and Ghost. He took his bucket hat off and held it close to his chest. His eyes glossed over and I took a step forward.

"Knives." His voice cracked as he walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me, crushing me into a hug. I didn't mind how tight the hug was- but instead, I wrapped my arms around him also. His familiar scent wafted into my nose and I could feel myself on the brink of tears. When Price pulled away he turned his attention to Ghost.

Price held his hand out and Ghost firmly gripped it. "I'm glad to see you." Price looked up at him with glossy eyes and a wide smile. "Feelings mutual, Captain."

"I think it's time for us to go." I turned around and looked over at Antonio. I walked up to him and hugged him tightly. Antonio hugged me back twice as tighter and pulled away with a sad smile. "Don't live your life in fear Tony," I told him. "I'm serious. You go and have the life that you deserve. Become a damn mechanic... just be happy."

Antonio nodded his head and clasped his hand over my shoulder, giving it a small shake. I turned to Landon, who stood off to the side awkwardly.

"And you-" "I'm staying!" Landon quickly interjected. I furrowed my eyebrows and my lips frowned. "This mission... it's a lot more dangerous," Ghost spoke up. Landon's hands balled up into a fist and he nodded his head. "I know. And I know I've been a damn good help and I'm going to finish what I started."

I was taken aback by his sudden shift in energy. "Well then." I smiled proudly.

Antonio said his goodbyes to Gaz and Ghost before going back to his aircraft. The rotor blades whirred slowly as it picked up speed. The blades sliced through the air and the thunderous engine roared as the helicopter lifted into the air. We watched the helicopter take off before turning to Price, Alejandro, and Rudy.

"Welcome hermanos." Alejandro smiled at us. He turned to me. "And hermana," He quickly added. I chuckled and gave him a smile.

"Let's get some food in you and we'll show you where you'll be sleeping." Rudy stepped beside Alejandro and spoke to us in a welcoming voice. There were two Jeeps and we divided ourselves into two Jeeps.

Me, Ghost, Price, and Rudy rode in one Jeep and the remainder rode in the second.

Rudy drove us into the base. The base didn't change much since the last time we were here. As soon as we stepped out, I could feel old memories swarm back. "Knives!" A familiar feminine voice called out. I turned my head to see Amelia running toward me.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and her body crashed into mine as she engulfed me in a hug. I laughed as I hugged her tightly. "Aw! I missed you!" She laughed as she hugged me tightly. "I miss you too."

She pulled away and looked at me. Her hair was now long and slicked back into a low ponytail. Alejandro and the rest met up with us.

"Come on, follow me." Alejandro led us to the chow hall. The cafeteria was filled with soldiers that filled up numerous tables. We grabbed our food and sat at the empty side of a table. The soldiers that sat on the other side greeted both Alejandro and Rudy.

During our entire time eating, the conversation was about the rescue mission we prepared for Soap. Once we finished, Alejandro showed us our room.

Ghost and I shared a room. The room was pretty spacious and we had our own bathroom. "Looks the same as every room," I pointed out. Ghost slipped his mask off and sat on the bed. "Come here." Simon motioned me toward him.

I stepped closer to him, feeling his hands settle on my hips. He pulled me closer to him and I snaked my arms around his neck and dipped down to kiss him. Simon pulled me onto the bed with him and rolled us over. My back was pressed against the comfortable mattress and he settled between my thighs.

His lips moved in sync with mine as he gripped my thigh. I could feel the heat rush to my core as I began to throb. I was eager for his touch and I couldn't help but want more.

"I need you," Simon said with a low groan as he nipped at my neck. I could feel his warm breath brush against my supple skin and I could feel the shivers rushing down my spine.

"Then have me."

The next chapter MIGHT be a smut chapter if I don't forget to write it as one.

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