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SOTD- Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez

I never quite felt at home. I always thought that "home" was a place. Somewhere to rest your head and feel safe. I never knew that home could be a person.

Until I met Simon Riley.

It has been almost three months with Simon. Buying a house and renovating it. Finally, we finished. Everything was to perfection and now we were having a get-together with our friends. I looked through the closet for a decent outfit to wear. I came across Simon's infamous skull mask that he kept in a box on the top shelf. He decided to put it away for good.

I smiled a bit and quickly found an outfit. "They're almost here!" I heard Simon's voice call out. "I'm coming!"

I scurried downstairs and met with Simon, who stood at the bottom step. He smiled and reached out for me. "You look beautiful," he spoke in awe as I took his hand in mine. I smiled at this and looked up at him. "And you do too."

Simon leaned down to press a kiss to my lips. I leaned up to deepen the kiss. I pulled back with a smile and there was a knock on the door. "I got it," Simon said. I looked down at the silver bracelet on my hand and brushed my finger over the etched, cursive words. "I'm here bitches!" Alora practically ran inside.

Soon enough, everyone arrived. Kyle, John, Johnny, Rudy, Alejandro, Amelia, Landon, Antonio, and my mom.

"This house is so nice." My mom complimented the furnishing. "Yeah, I had to pick out the scheme because Simon can't color coordinate to save his life," I teased slightly. "Black and yellow could've been cool." He was slightly defensive about his options, but still had a smile on his face. "For bees that is," Johnny gave Simon a friendly punch to the shoulder.

"Well I hope you made the food. British taste buds are kind of whack," Alora spoke bluntly. Simon and Kyle looked quite offended by her words but everyone else seemed to find it humorous.

"Our food isn't bad!" Kyle spoke defensively. "Kyle, you eat beans on toast. Your food isn't up for debate." I point at him.

As the rest of the night wore on, we were all outside in the backyard, eating and swapping stories. Landon and Alora sat particularly close and I raised an eyebrow. "Are you two... together?" I asked. Landon grew red and Alora just smiled as she always did. "Landon, here, got some action." Johnny clapped Landon's shoulder with his large hand.

My eyes grew wide as I looked between Landon and Alora, letting out a laugh. "It's about damn time," Simon said.

I realized furthermore just how grateful I am for everyone who sat at the table. My mom, who I spent many nights holding while she cried. I remember as a little girl she would try her best to make things easier for me. When my dad was away at work she would slip me small presents and gave me her necklaces. And for that, she's my silver-lining.

Kyle, even when we first met we clicked instantly. I would spend countless nights with him just writing and talking about anything. He always had my back and I'm forever grateful for him. And for that, he's my silver-lining.

Johnny, he made my first arrival run so much smoothly. He made me feel comfortable and always made me laugh. He always gave me sketch drawings whenever I felt down and always cheered me up. And for that, he's my silver-lining.

John, he was like a father to me. He offered me advice and looked out for me the way a father would look out for his daughter. He always had hope in me, even when I started out he saw something in me no one else did. And for that, he's my silver-lining.

Antonio, we clicked instantly. When I first joined, he gave me tips and pointers. He saw to it that I succeeded. When I wanted to give up, he didn't let me. And for that, he's my silver-lining.

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