Chapter Six

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SOTD- Riot by Three Days Grace and Alien Blues by Vundabar

The grassy terrain was a desolate and serene view. It felt nice being surrounded by nothing but open fields and trees. The air smelt fresher out here than it did in the city. The city offered a slight hum that buzzed through the air, giving the city a bustle and busy sense. Whereas isolated places like this offered silence. And silence was good.

"Are we almost there?" Landon asked with a slight whine ringing in his tone. Ghost sat in the passenger side since we switched places as soon as the sun came up. "Thirty more minutes." I mapped out the hideout in my mind, trying to recall the correct directions. At this point, I had been going off of instinct. Landon let out a long sigh which resulted in Ghost telling him to shut his trap.

We pulled up to a small shack that had been located in an isolated area. The nearest house was a two hour drive away. Antonio really loved his peace. "What ever you do, don't talk and stay behind me." I instructed the pair with a stern tone. I reached for my gun, placing it in the waistline of my pants. The click of the car door opening echoed and danced through the silence. I slid out of the car and stepped into the grassy field, nearing the shack. "Antonio!" I called out.

I walked closer to the small shack, which had been a cover for the underground bunker underneath. He came from a family of paranoid people. This bunker has been around longer than his father. The sound of a gun cocking to the side caught my attention. I acted fast, reaching for my gun and aimed it directly at the noise.

My scowl faltered and a warm smile formed on my face once I saw the familiar man behind the gun. "Ayeeee!" He held his arms out wide as he rushed to me. His arms wrapped around me, lifting me from the ground slightly.

I couldn't help but laugh at his actions, eventually asking him to set me down after a few seconds. "Seven damn years since I've seen that face of yours, y/n." He pinched my cheeks like an overbearing grandmother. "Ah! You've gotten strong! I can see you work out." He squeezed at my muscles. "And the tattoos! A nice touch! And the peircings!" He seemed like a giddy child, touching and examining every detail.

"Yeah." I chuckled a bit, finding comfort in his overbearing energy. "And who are these two?" His mustache lifted with his upper lip as he curled his lips into a wide smile. "This is Ghost and Landon." I introduced the pair. Ghost stood tall with his arms crossed over his chest and Landon waved nervously. "You're like a tiger!" Antonio told Ghost as he mimicked a tiger's roar in a joking manner. Ghost stood there, unphased, his stone cold demeanor never faltering once. "Now- tell me, what are you doing here?" Antonio's energy shifted to serious as he ushered us into the shack.

The shack was worn and dusty. This place definitely needed a deep clean. "We need an aircraft and if possible," I threw my arm over his shoulder, pulling him in close to me. "A pilot." I grinned slightly, wriggling my eyebrows. "Aye! No!" He quickly interjected. "Oh come on!" I pleaded.

Antonio only shook his head. "I'll supply you with an aircraft, but I will not pilot that aircraft."

I let out a small sigh, my eyes looking deep into his. "Alright. We've been out on the road for like ten hours, can we crash here?" I asked, placing my hands on my waist. "You can stay as long as you need- but! Do not try convincing me to pilot." He pointed his finger at me, his brown eyes giving a stern, narrow look. "Alright, it's your decision. I can't make you do anything." I shrugged my shoulders, speaking in nonchalance.

Antonio waved me of and pulled the dusty rug to the side. He pulled a latch, lifting the floorboards up from the ground. There was a long corridor of stone steps that we had to walk down to reach the main hall. The bunker was nicely sized seeing as it wasn't too big nor too small. There was a dining hall, a few bedrooms plus a few other rooms for storage.

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