Chapter Three

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SOTD- EVERYTHING by The Black Skirts

It is basically 12am and I'm kind of tired so if this chapter is shitty then that's my excuse. Enjoy:)))

I found myself in the bar where I worked. I sat at a small table across from Ghost. I brought us here for two reasons. Reason number one: it wouldn't bring much attention to us since it's pretty calm, and two: I needed alcohol.

"How do you know?" I questioned his sudden knowledge, feeling a bit skeptical about it all. "I managed to receive intel." He held the beer in his hands, not taking a drink from the bottle once. I raised an eyebrow, signaling him to continue. "His body was never found at the site of the explosion."

"We saw the building blow up. We never saw him escape."
"From the front side of the building, there were so many exits!"

"Then if he escaped, why didn't he come back?" It didn't seem to make any sense. Even if he were to somehow miraculously survive, he would've come back. Ghost didn't accept Soap's death like everyone else. Even when reality settled in, he still went out to track down Soap. He was relying on false hope.

"That's what I need to know, y/n. Can you trust me on this? Please?" He pleaded. His brown eyes looked into mine, a hint of desperation settling into his demeanor. I was hesitant and a bit skeptical and I knew he took notice of that. "Look, this will have nothing to do with us and everything to do with the task at hand." He assured me.

I couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by everything that fell onto my lap. Even if there was a sliver of hope that Soap was still alive, I couldn't turn it down. "Okay fine." I reluctantly agreed.

"How would we even begin this without the proper resources? You can't exactly track a cold trail." I pointed out. Ghost lifted his mask just slightly above his lips. "I have a few contacts that can help out with this." He took a drink from his bottle as he reached for his wallet to cover the tab. "As they say, the hunt is better than the kill."

Once the drinks were paid for, we left the bar. "I'll give you a ride back to your place, there you can begin to pack." Ghost offered as he reached for the passenger door, opening it for me.

"How am I even going to begin explaining this to Alora?" I questioned more to myself, feeling my stress levels rising. "Don't give her an explanation." Ghost shrugged. "Right, I'll just skip out like you did." I gave a fake smile and rolled my eyes, looking out the window. "Look, I'm sorry."

"Doesn't matter anymore," I grumbled. "That's code for you're never going to let it go and keep holding it against me." He glanced back and forth between the road and me. "At least you're aware of what you're getting into." I didn't bother looking his way as I rested my head in my hands. The neighborhood that I lived in wasn't exactly a neighborhood that would be on Homestyle Magazine. People loitered the sidewalks and hung outside in front of convenience stores.

"I thought you were working on forgiveness." He pointed out. I finally turned to look at him with an unamused facial expression. "And I thought this entire thing wasn't about us."

Ghost nodded his head slowly and I turned away from him. He pulled up in front of my loft complex. "You want me to walk you inside?" He asked. "I think I can handle the long and treacherous elevator ride to my loft," I spoke sarcastically as I got out of the car.

I walked inside, feeling the warm and comforting heat. "I see you put up the Christmas tree." I pointed out, catching Tony's attention. "Hey, it needs to be more homey. And you need to be in the Christmas spirit." He pointed his finger at me, giving me a wide smile. I laughed softly as I made my way to the elevator.

During the elevator ride, I had hoped that Alora wouldn't ask too many questions. But hoping for that would be hoping to win the lottery.

"What do you mean a small trip?!" She questioned as I threw my clothes into a duffle bag. "I'll be back before you know it." I felt as if we were a married couple and I was walking out on her and our two children. "Y/n, you can't just go without full details!"

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