Chapter Seven

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SOTD- PUNK TACTICS by Joey Valence and Brae and Sexy Drug by Falling In Reverse

"Let's go!" Ghost jumped up from his seat and we acted quickly. My feet slapped against the concrete floors as I ran at a fast pace, making my way to the library. Antonio was already there, looking through his camera feed with a semi automatic slung over his left shoulder. "There are soldiers in front of the shack!" Antonio informed us, panic rising high in his voice.

"Landon how far along are you?" I asked him. "Only two more!" He called out, quickly typing away at his computer. "Well pack it up!" Ghost demanded. Landon's glasses had slipped down to the point of his nose as he looked up at us. "Unless you want to lose all the progress I've made then I suggest I stay here."

I let out a groan and grabbed the semi automatic that Antonio had handed to me. I pushed the butt of my gun into my right shoulder, keeping the gun drawn. "Okay, Ghost you take Antonio to the aircraft and make sure he's safe! Antonio start up the aircraft!" I gave them their orders. "What about you guys?" Ghost asked. "I'll stay here and keep cover for Landon while he finishes hacking into the last two drones. From there, he will transfer the footage to a hard drive." It felt as if I were back at my old base post-task force 141. It felt as if I were leading my squad all over again.

"The door behind us will shut and lock. The passcode is 153100." Antonio informed me before he and Ghost headed out of the library.

I kept my eyes trained on the security footage, watching as the soldiers busted through the shack. The soldiers looked exactly like the ones we went up against on the mission where Soap had "blown up".

"Landon, is there a possibility the soldiers may have been alerted when you hacked into their drones?" I questioned, switching through the footage. "Yes." That was all he said as he continued keeping his focus on the screen in front of him. The soldiers found the latch and piled in through the bunker. "One more! Hold them off for me!"

I gave him a head nod and made my way out of the library. I found cover and squatted close to the ground. The adrenaline pumped through veins, giving me that sense of familiarity. I gunned down the soldiers that ran down the hall, spraying each of them with the strong bullets. I watched as their crimson blood seeped down onto the concrete, creating a puddle of warm blood. The gunshots were loud and made my ears ring. The kickback of my gun was harsh and I knew a bruise would form on my shoulder. A bruise that I haven't had for quite some time.

Once the hall cleared I ran back into the library. Landon was already quickly packing up his gear in a panicked and fast pace. "Hurry it on up!" I ordered. The door behind me busted open and a soldier came in. I reacted quickly and shot him in the head, giving him no time to even lift his gun fully. Landon slung his bags over his shoulders and I reached for my handgun and held it out toward him.

"Take it, you'll need it." I waited for him to grab the silver gun from my hand. His hands shook as he tried to steady his nervous hands, but to no avail. "Come on." I grabbed his collar and pushed him forward, gunning down soldiers as we ran down the hall.

Bullets whizzed past us and I shoved Landon to the empty hall on the left, allowing the sharp corner to act as a narrator between us and the fast bullets. I followed Landon, pressing my back against the wall. My chest heaved as my breathing soon grew rapid. I came out of cover, only to go back in a second later as a bullet whizzed past me, only inches from my face. "Holy shit!" Landon seemed as if he were on the verge of a panic attack. "Landon, calm down," I spoke through gritted teeth. I came out of cover, shooting down one soldier. I made a mental note that there were four soldiers total- now three soldiers that I had to take down in the hallway. Deep down inside I knew that there were more to come.

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