Chapter Twenty-Two

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SOTD- Infrunami by Steve Lacy

A/n: I just realized that I don't think I ever gave Andrei a last name and Sokolov is Gelina's last name😭 Either way, Petrov will be Andrei's last name. And this chapter is going to be a short chapter so enjoyyy:)))


During the past week, I made visits between Landon and Soap. But today Landon was asleep due to the medication he was put on so I visited Soap, despite visiting him yesterday until visitation was over. I walked into his room and saw him seated on the bed. Empty jello containers sat in a neat stack on his tray and he was fixated on the cartoon show that played out on the TV screen while he ate jello.

His head shifted toward me and a smile grew on his friendly face. His battered skin was healing and the bruises looked better than before. "Knives!" He beamed happily.

"Hey, Soap." I took a seat in a chair and looked at the TV. "Tom and Jerry?" I couldn't help but feel a smile tug at my lips. "Yeah! That damn cat is shit at catching the mouse."

I laughed and sat comfortably in my seat. "I should be getting discharged in another week," he told me. "That's good. I'm glad to see you're finally getting better." I smiled.

For the past hour and a half Soap and I just talked about random things. The air between us was light and friendly. It amazed me how he was able to carry on. Ghost eventually came and stayed silent for the majority of the time. I took it upon me to ask Soap the burning questions. One: What happened to him. And, Two: How did he know Landon.

Soap decided to answer the second question since it had the shortest answer. "I met Landon on a mission before I joined the Task Force."

I leaned comfortably in my seat as I listened intently. "He was a real introvert- kept to himself all the time. I managed to get him to have some drinks with me and we hung out all that night. I was sad to leave the lad. We kept in touch for a long time. But it's been... years."

"And as for the past two years... as you know I was held captive." I could see a small flash in his eyes. Maybe it wasn't a good idea having him talk about it. "They wanted information about the Task Force. They used their methods of torture but I didn't break. They took me upstairs to kill me. And that's when you guys came."

"Destroyed their base and everything," he added with a grin. "Yeah, you can thank Ghost for that," I chuckled.

Ghost was still seated silently, his eyes looming over Soap and I. Soap let out a yawn as he leaned back in his bed. "We're gonna let you get your rest Johnny."

Ghost stood and I did too. I gave Soap a light hug, making sure to remain careful of his injuries. Ghost patted Soap on the shoulder and we left his room. I realized that Ghost was being oddly quiet. More quiet than usual. "Are you alright?" I asked him. Ghost looked down at me and nodded his head.

"Simon, talk to me." I grabbed his arm to stop him from walking. My tone was stern as was my gaze. "There is rumor that there is another Petrov brother sneaking around the base."

My eyes widened. "Ghost, you don't have to feel the need to always interfere. Leave this to Alejandro."

"Do you know what he wants? He wants us. They blame us for Andrei's death!"
I let out a soft sigh. "Even in death, Andrei is still a pain in my ass." I grumbled. "Who is the final brother?" I asked. Ghost only shrugged his shoulders at my question. "No one knows. Everyone always forgets the youngest child."

"I know someone who might know."
Ghost's eyes looked into mine with a curious glint. Finally, the realization struck him. "You better not," he said through gritted teeth. "I know you hate her. But she is our only option. She's the only one who knows most about Andrei."

Ghost let out a reluctant sigh before agreeing. I had requested her arrival to both Price and Alejandro. Both of them agreed.

Two days passed and I was standing at an open field with Ghost, Gaz, and Price by my side. This felt all too familiar. The thunderous mechanical whir of the chopper's rotor blades. The sharp blades of grass swaying in the wind. It reminded me of my arrival. Once the chopper landed, two soldiers stepped out. They guided Gelina to the ground with shackles bound to her hands and feet.

She looked so different from the last time I saw her. Her hair was long and her cheeks were fuller. Her facial expressions were softer even though her features still remained bold.

A grin tugged at her lips as she looked at me. I could feel Ghost's annoyance radiated through him and he didn't try hiding it either.

"Miss me?"

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