Chapter Thirteen

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SOTD- A Different Age by Current Joys

A/n: We have a special guest🤭 and it's a short and lazy chapter. Forgive me.

My consciousness felt as if it were being held onto by a string. I slowly tug on the string, trying my hardest to keep a firm grip. Ghost's voice was the only thing that would pull me from that hazy feeling and keep me grounded.

The pressure Ghost put over my wound caused an immense amount of pain at first. But as I begin to feel hazy, the pressure just felt like... Pressure. Like a firm weight being pressed down on my leg. It felt like someone laying on top of me. Not heavy enough to hurt me, but heavy enough to cause slight discomfort.

"We're almost there," Ghost whispered softly. His voice pulled me back into consciousness. I found comfort in his deep voice. His British enunciations were soothing to me. The ride back to the hotel consisted of me falling in and out of consciousness. I had barely remembered Ghost carrying me back to the room.

As soon as my head touched the pillow that's when I finally gave in to the hazy feeling. I allowed it to swallow me whole. It felt as if I were falling in slow motion. I continued falling and I knew deep down, I would never hit the ground.

The sound of a familiar voice stirred me from my sleep. My entire body ached and it felt as if I were still being weighed down. I could hear Ghost and the other person whispering softly. I knew the voice sounded familiar, yet I couldn't register who that voice belonged to. I pushed past the aching feeling and forced myself to sit up. Immediately, my eyes flew to my wrapped-up knee, where I felt the most pain.

"Hey, you're awake." That familiar-unfamiliar voice spoke. My eyes met a pair of dark brown eyes and I immediately flew out of pain. I stumbled a bit and Gaz caught me as he let out a laugh. "Eager much?" He laughed.

"Come here bitch." I pull him into a bone-crushing hug. My arms wrapped around him tightly and I could feel a mixture of happiness and sadness. Once we pulled away, a soft smile tugged at my lips. "You're here! How? Why?" I asked. Gaz only chuckled at my questions. "Well, Price got an alert that someone was trying to hack into our system to steal some information. Deep down I knew it was you idiots. I managed to trace it back to Landon and I packed a bag and found you guys," He explained.

For the rest of the day, we stayed inside since I couldn't really walk around too much. Nico and Antonio ended up coming to our room later on.

"Dion faked our deaths while you were out," Ghost told me. I furrowed my eyebrows as my eyes flitted to meet his. "How long was I out?" I asked. "Several days."

"How did he manage to fake our deaths?"
"Pulled a few strings and did his magic. We are now officially dead and the soldiers are off our backs."

I smiled softly at the information and moved closer to him. It took me a while to realize that I didn't want to be angry at him forever. He pulled something out of me that I thought had been buried a long time ago. I could feel a little flame ignite in myself- an old flame that I quickly recognized. It felt warm and comforting to know that I had gotten that part of myself back.

I made a phone call with Alora when she blew up my phone questioning if I was okay while I was out. And I quickly responded that I was as soon as I got my phone.

As the night wore on, Nico and Antonio went back to their rooms. Gaz and Landon shared a bed and both of them were fast asleep. Ghost and I sat on the couch and watched as the horror movie played out on the screen. Ghost and I sat in comfortable silence as we watched multiple teens get brutally murdered. Ghost let out sighs of annoyance whenever someone made a dumb decision.

I only laughed at his annoyance. "Back at the hangar, when the plane blew up. I was terrified." Ghost filled the silence as he spoke softly. "Afraid of the explosion?" I asked as I turned my head to face him. "No, I was afraid of losing you."

My gaze softened as I moved closer to him. "You won't lose me, Ghost." I placed my hand on his shoulder as I spoke reassuringly. "I already did before and it was my fault." His eyes saddened as he cupped my cheek with his large hand. His hand was warm and comforting and I realized just how badly I missed his touch. "And I promise to never lose you again."

It was the spur of the moment and I couldn't handle going without him any longer. I couldn't handle being angry any further. I realized any one of us could die in this mission and I didn't want to die without feeling his touch. Without feeling his soft lips against mine.

I reached for his mask and lifted it halfway up, exposing his soft lips. My fingers traced his sharp jawline, his stubble tickling my fingertips. It took about a second before I closed the gap out of eagerness. It felt like our first kiss all over again. He leaned in closer to me as he tenderly kissed me.

I could feel the goosebumps all over again as his fingertips traced up my arm. I pulled him even closer as our lips continued moving in sync.

Jolts of electricity bursted throughout my entire body and my stomach twisted in knots. My lungs yearned for a breath of air, but I didn't want to break free. I was the first to pull away, my forehead gently pressed against his. The both of us were breathless.

"One last chance and I promise you that you won't regret it." He pleaded. I leaned back slightly, my eyes looking into his.

"One last chance." I agreed.

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