Chapter Ten

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SOTD- Bad Girls by MIA

A/n: This chapter is kind of short and not that great but the next one will be better. So please, forgive me for the crappy chapter.

The rope felt tight around my wrists. The wooden armrest was uncomfortable beneath my forearms. The bag was ripped from my head and my eyes immediately connected to the familiar face of the notorious French man, Dion Moreau.

His hair was slicked back neatly and he wore a clean black suit. The stubble on his face was perfectly maintained and his green eyes were bold. "Miss. L/n." He grinned and hummed slightly as if he enjoyed saying my name in almost a threatening way. "Mr. Moreau." I used the same taunting tone as he did, a dangerous glare in my eyes.

He folded his hands neatly in front of him, resting them on the expensive desk. "Now, I would like to know why three ex-marines are at my hotel, tracking my every movement."

I let out a sigh and tried adjusting more comfortably in the seat I had been tied down in. "Now do I really have to be tied down?" I questioned. He raised one of his well-kept eyebrows and motioned one of his men to cut the ropes from my wrists. "One move, and you die." He threatened. "I don't doubt that." I gave him a fake smile and sat straighter in my seat, crossing my legs.

"We are here strictly for business," I informed him plain and simple. "What kind of business?"

"Well, one of my men led a shit ton of soldiers after us. We are on somewhat of an assignment and we need our trail to run cold."

Dion nodded his head slowly, listening intently. "I'm no help without some greenery." He leaned back in his seat and comfortably put his leg over his other. "Six thousand," I offered. He seemed unimpressed about my price. "Ten." He negotiated. "Nine."

He sat there for a moment, thinking about my offer. "Nine thousand and you have a drink with me," He compromised. I thought about it for a moment, deciding whether or not I should take his offer. Letting out a sigh, I agreed. Dion stood up from his seat, appearing much taller than what I thought he'd be. He motioned me over to a separate room which was slightly larger than the last one we were in.

There was a small bar and large mirrors. In the center of the room was a red, leather sofa. Dion stood behind the counter and I sat on a stool. "Don't even think about drugging me." I had a glare in my eyes almost as if I was giving him a warning. He might have a lot of men, but I would die killing him. Dion only chuckled and grabbed two cups. "So, tell me..." He poured ice into the two cups and then the whiskey. "What 'assignment' are you and your men on?" His French accent laced his words, making his voice sound a lot deeper.

"Just locating someone." I reached for the cup, looking down into it. "Go ahead Dion, take a drink."

Dion only laughed at my suspicions and raised his glass, taking the alcohol in one take. "Why would I kill someone who is giving me money?" He raised an eyebrow as he leaned against the counter, his elbows pressing against the expensive and smooth wood. "I don't know, you tell me. Somehow a lot of people you work with end up dead."

Dion only chuckled once more. "As long as you don't do anything stupid, I won't kill you." His words were made to be reassuring, but his tone still had a venomous and almost threatening like sound. Now, it was my turn to laugh. "I doubt you'd be able to kill me."

Dion only hummed in amusement at my statement. "I've heard a lot about you." He refilled his glass mug with the same whiskey, taking smaller sips this time. As soon as I opened my mouth, the door behind us busted open. Ghost, Antonio, Nico, and Landon all piled in. Their guns were aimed at the soldiers they kept hostage. Dion only laughed at the sight of it. "Look at that!" Dion laughed. "Your knight in shining armour." He pointed at Ghost.

"I swear if you touched her." Ghost's voice was low and threatening. "Relax. He didn't do anything," I assured him. "Well then, take a seat." Dion pointed at the row of empty stools behind me. "And please, let my men go." He sounded more annoyed this time.

Reluctantly, they all let the soldiers go. "Miss. L/n, here already conducted business for you all and I'm in." Dion reached for more cups, pouring the ice into each of them. "And you must be Ghost. No name, no photo, and no information." Dion grinned as he slid the first cup over to Ghost.

Ghost didn't say anything. He stood close by, ready to start killing if he had to. "Relax, we're all friends."

"I highly doubt that." Ghost's tone was deep and intimidating. I could only let out a silent sigh as I stood up from my seat. "I could make it two thousand," Dion offered. "What's the catch?" I asked. Dion struck me as a man who loved his money. "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."

Silence fell upon each of us and I raised an eyebrow. I didn't want to do anything for this man. "And what exactly do you want?" Antonio asked. "As a man like myself, I have some competition." My eyes followed Dion as he moved from behind the counter. He paused, creating silence in the room. The soft whirr of the AC filled my ears before he finally spoke up. "And what do you do with competition?" He asked as if he was a teacher and we were his students. "Get rid of them." Landon happily answered. "Exactly!" What's next? Is he gonna hand out gold stars?

"Jacob Stamos is here in Paris and he isn't aware of my presence. He leaves soon and I want to blow up his plane!" He sounded like a Disney villain- getting excited as he goes over his plan. "And that's our problem how?" Nico finally spoke up after staying silent for the longest.

"You." Dion pointed at me. "And you." He shifted his finger to Ghost. "I need one of you to build the bomb and I need the both of you to escort me there and keep me safe."

I let out a scoff as I cross my arms over my chest. "What are your army of soldiers for? Decoration?" I questioned sarcastically. Dion let out an amused laugh as he walked closer to me. Ghost immediately took a step in front of me, peering down at Dion dangerously. Dion only laughed at his actions. "See, that is why I like you. You can kill anyone with your bare hands!" He complimented Ghost in an excited tone.

"Now, how about it?" Dion raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at his thin lips. "Okay, we help build the bomb, we go in there and do whatever, and you get the soldiers off our track." Ghost continued looking down at Dion as he spoke.

Dion held his hand out for a handshake. "Deal." Dion smiled happily. "I don't do handshakes. We do our end of the deal and you do yours." Ghost turned around and walked off, his heavy boots thudded against the wooden floorboards with each large step he took.

"Oh come on! The handshake is the best part!" Dion held his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand and firmly shook it. As he went to pull away my grip on his hand tightened and I pulled him in close so his head was now leveled with mine. "You fuck us over," I whispered in a threatening voice, my lips close to his ear. "And I will kill you."

Dion only hummed. "Is that a threat?" Dion asked, amusement lacing his French accent. "No, it's a warning."

"One fuck up, and you and your soldiers die. And believe me, I will kill each and every single one of you." I loosened my grip on his hand and stepped back. He stood up straight from his bent position, peering down at me. "Pleasure doing business with you." I gave him a fake smile.

His lips curled into a cat-like smile as if he were Cheshire the cat. "The pleasure is all mine." He grinned.

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