Chapter Nine

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SOTD- Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey

"How much longer until Nico arrives?" I questioned through the earpiece as I sat straight up in my seat. "Getting a little antsy sitting out in broad daylight," I added. We were all the way in Paris where Ghost's "friend" was located. "Patience, Knives, patience." Antonio's warm Italian accent boomed through the earpiece. Nico Quesada was an old friend of Antonio's. He lived out in Paris and offered to be our guide through the unfamiliar capital of France.

We had taken seats at different tables, keeping our target, Dion Moreau in our sights. I had Landon do some digging on Dion. Not only is Dion a mass murderer, but he is also great at keeping your trail cold if a little cash was involved.

I lifted my mug from the small table and took a sip out of the coffee. The sweet, hot liquid went smoothly down my throat and I placed the cup down, seeing the red lipstick stain against the rim of the cup. I wiped away the red lipstick stain and adjusted my sunglasses which shielded my eyes from the harsh rays of the bright sun.

"I lost sight of Dion." Ghost's raspy voice was comforting to hear since he stayed quiet the entire time. "I'm hacking into the security cameras..." Landon extended his words as if he were deeply concentrating on what he was doing. "Knives, he is walking through the alley on your far left," Landon informed me.

I turned my head, watching as people passed by the alley. "I could go and check it out," I offered. "No, we don't break apart from the group." Ghost's voice spoke up as he quickly shot down my idea. "Well then, we officially lost sight of him," I grumbled, leaning back in my seat. "Not for long," Ghost said.

I shifted my gaze over to Ghost. He was a couple of tables away, using the menu to shield his face. He brought the menu down, his eyes locking onto mine. "Nico is close by, everyone come on."

I stood up from my seat, and placed a twenty on the table, using the half-filled mug to keep down the bill. I grabbed my jacket, which was a long, leather trench coat and threw it on with ease. The wind that blew against my skin was cold. The cold wind nipped at my skin, sending a shiver up my spine. The thick fabric of the jacket acted as a barrier, keeping me from the cold winds.

My heels clicked against the pavement as I stepped onto the sidewalk, meeting with Antonio and Ghost as I walked between them. I smoothed out my suit with my palms and walked at a fast pace, trying my best to keep up with the pair. The park where we planned on meeting together was only across the busy street. Landon came into view as he was seated on a park bench, typing away at his computer.

We made our way swiftly to the bench, taking our seats. A loud roar of a car engine thundered into my ears and a sleek, gray Lamborghini Urus pulled up quickly in front of us. "Ayeee!" Antonio did his welcoming and habitual greeting. A heavy-set man stepped out of the driver's side, his black hair gelled back neatly. He had a perfectly maintained beard and light brown eyes. He had a scar on the left side of his well-maintained face. He seemed like a man who indulged in great self-care. He wore a clean suit with expensive rings on his fingers. "He must be loaded." I hadn't realized that Landon packed his things and made his way to Ghost and me.

I could only nod my head at his statement. Antonio led Nico over to us, introducing each of us. He shook my hand firmly along with Landon. Ghost only peered down at him, staying silent but still looked down at him with a brooding and intimidating stare.

"Well come on in." Nico happily led us to his car where all of us piled in. Landon, Ghost, and I all piled into the back while Antonio took the front. Nico and Antonio blabbed on the majority of the drive while I admired the landscape. Although Paris wasn't exactly the most beautiful place in the world as the movies depicted it to be, it was still quite pleasant.

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