Chapter Twenty-Three

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SOTD- Heaven's On Fire by KISS

A/n: This chapter really isn't that good and I've been struggling to get it finished.

"It feels good to not be in shackles." Gelina grinned as she moved her wrists around freely. "That helicopter ride was excruciating!"

"Enough small talk." Ghost spoke up. His deep voice was laced with annoyance. Gelina grinned at this and leaned forward. "You could never get rid of Andrei even in death. I'm surprised you didn't know."

"What can you tell us about the youngest?" Price asked her. Gelina brushed her hair behind her ear and her face formed into a slight scowl. "His name is Anton," she began. "Andrei and Anton didn't exactly get along, but either way they were all brothers."

I felt annoyed by the entirety of this situation. "Anton may be the youngest, but he's the most sadistic. He won't stop until he gets what he wants."

Alejandro came up to us with a smile. "Rudy caught sight of Anton in town."

My lips curled into a smile at this. "Thankfully, he's dumb enough to lead us right to him," Gaz said with a smile. "Not dumb. It's a trap," Gelina quickly interjected. "Well then, everybody take precautions alright?"

Gelina was cuffed once again and we all geared up. I could feel the adrenaline coursing my veins, my heartbeat sped up and it all felt exhilarating. I knew this would be the final mission and I wanted to have a little fun with it. I didn't mind killing another Petrov brother. "Alright everybody!" Price grabbed our attention. "We've got word where he's holed up. I'll need Ghost and Knives as snipers. Gaz, Rudy, Alejandro, and I will be moving in." Price turned his attention to Ghost and me. "Knives you'll take the far left and Ghost will take the opposite of you."

We each nodded our heads and piled into Jeeps. We drove into town and rode past the busy shops. I watched the civilians of Las Almas laughing and playing around without a care in the world. I smiled a bit at this.

The bright sun casted a glow over the city, offering not only its light- but its warmth. We rode further into the city until it began to get more isolated. Fields of crops surrounded us as we continued driving, stopping at a small house.

Ghost walked up to me, grabbing my arm gently. "Be careful. Call for me if you need anything alright?" I could tell Ghost was acting differently. It felt like he was uneasy about all of this. I nodded my head and smiled. "Vice versa."

We parted ways and I took my position. I wasn't the most experienced sniper like Ghost was. I found sniping to be a little uncomfortable. But I didn't mind staying back and peering through a scope. I watched as Price, Alejandro, Rudy, and Gaz entered the small farmhouse. Their guns were drawn, ready to pull the trigger if needed.

I itched with anticipation, feeling the impatience starting to grow on me. I scanned the area slowly, taking everything in. I come across a small barn and notice slight movement. I reached for my radio and felt nothing. "Shit." I mumble under my breath, realizing I had forgotten it in my room. I scan further and find Ghost in position. His sniper was pointed to the home and he seemed concentrated.

I wanted to stay in position, but a part of me was afraid Anton would get away. I let out a sigh, annoyed by my impatient actions and ditched position.

I ran to the small barn, stopping by the entrance. I pulled out my gun and stayed in cover. I stepped in and pointed my gun. "I know you're in here. Come out." My voice was cold. Anton stepped out from behind a haystack and I noticed a grin on his face and two other things. A detonator and a bomb tied to a vest. A vest he so happened to wear.

"Drop the gun." His voice was cold and the smirk he had on his face was sickening. I lowered my gun, my eyes shooting daggers into his. "Keep it down won't you? I don't need your comrades finding us."

I dropped my gun to the side, hearing he suppressed clatter. "You really went all out huh? Suicide bombing? Let's be for real," I practically snicker.

"You made a mistake of not killing me," Anton sneered. "I didn't even know you existed."

"You killed my brothers." His smirk vanished as a look of anger flooded his piercing, brown eyes. "Correction, I killed one of your brothers. I wasn't able to get the honors of killing Andrei."

"You better rethink your last words a bit more carefully." His finger grazed the detonator in a threatening way. "Why even do all of this? What's the point? Vengeance? You're only taking this approach because you know there are two outcomes of all this."

He raised an eyebrow as he took a step closer. "And what is that?"
"Either you'll die, or you'll rot."

He only laughed at this. "Well it's too late. By the time they even step out of that house, you and I will be blown to bits."

I had to think of a way out of this. Normally, I was a fast thinker. But my mind went blank. And I knew... this was it for me. And I was right. This is my final mission. And maybe these are my final few breaths. My final moment of life.

I thought about Simon. I knew what he went through and I knew he could barely handle another loss. I couldn't do that to him.

I notice a sharp machete on the table beside me. My eyes flickered back to Anton's. "Is this really what you want?" I was merely spitballing to give myself some more time. "Yes." We heard a small rustle. It caught Anton's attention, catching him off guard. I grabbed the machete within seconds and swung it.

I could feel Anton's blood splatter onto my face, small droplets trickling down my cheek. "Fuck!" Anton screamed out in agony, grabbing his forearm. His eyes widened once he realized I had cut his hand clean off. "You bitch!" He screamed at me.

I reached for his hand that lay on the ground and peeled the detonator from it. "I've decided to take a different approach. Anton Petrov, have fun spending the rest of your life in maximum security." I couldn't help but grin and grabbed his collar, shoving him outside. I noticed Ghost emerging from the side of the barn. "What the hell happened there?" He asked me.

"Make sure Anton doesn't die," I say, disregarding his question.

Ghost wrapped Anton up and we all headed back to base. We notice Soap sitting at a table dressed in baggy clothing. "Soap!" Gaz called out. Before I could run to Soap, myself, I felt Ghost pull me back. "Why did you leave your position without telling anybody?" He asked me. I could see a small look of anger in his eyes.

"I didn't have my radio and I noticed movement."
"You could've died back there."

I let out a sigh and looked up at him. "I know. But I didn't. This was the last mission for us. It's over, Simon. It's finally over," I spoke softly. I noticed he slightly relaxed at my words.


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