Author's Note

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It is very sad to say that is book is soon coming to an end. Maybe there will be more Ghost stories with different storylines. But focusing on this and the last book I am happy with how far we've come. Over 80k reads on the last book and over 3k reads on this one and I am so glad to have such incredible readers like you.

I'm happy for the jokes you made or the jokes we've made together in the comments. I'm glad that I have witnessed such beautiful people reading these comments. I'm so appreciative of it all.

But more importantly, I'm appreciative of you guys. You all are beautiful people from the inside and out. There was never a single mean comment or any arguments like I be seeing in other stories and I loved that. I wanted to make this book and make the comments a safe space to share what you like free of any judgement and ya'll hoes DOWN bad😭

I loved every rollercoaster that I was able to put you on. Every cliffhanger and every cheesy moment. I loved how you guys made this book into something. A book is nothing without an audience. It was your emotions and your comments that made it something. If you had not felt anything it would be just words.

I didn't do anything but write the words. YOU did it all. You gave the book feeling and purpose. And I thank you for that. Each singular reader who had the time to read this... thank you.

Although I may not know you on a personal level, I know just how beautiful of a person you are. I know you are strong, capable, loved, and amazing. I love you. And nothing would ever change that.

Thank you for everything.

Doing It All For Love (Ghost x reader)Where stories live. Discover now