Moving in

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Summer was coming to an end and school was about to start. Pavitr was really excited to get to see his friends every day and even go to the same school as them, don't get him wrong though he would really miss his home country, India. But there's nothing wrong with a little change here and there, it's not like he's leaving forever.

Pavitr was at the airport with his parents, he hugged them goodbye and pretended to board the plane, but in reality no plane could take him where he was headed so when no one was looking he used his magic watch to teleport to the destination where his friend had told him to.

Pavitr's POV —

I can barely contain my excitement as I step out of my colourful portal. On the other side I see Miles with a bright smile on his face. He runs towards me and gives me a huge hug, I hug him back and breathe in the familiar scent of cologne Miles has used for years now. Things really haven't changed that much.

"I'm so glad to see you bro! come on I gotta show you our dorm." Miles says eagerly and starts walking fast towards the dormitory.

I chuckle and follow him. I notice how Miles greets a bunch of people on his way so I follow his lead. Some people stop and ask who I am while Miles fiddles with the lock of the dorm, I don't mind though. I love meeting new people. So I give them my usual introduction and they seem interested.

"Alright the door's open! sorry the lock can be kinda faulty.." Miles says embarrassed and lets me in.

My eyes widen when I see the room, or Mile's side of the room at least. There was a bunch of cool posters and his bedsheets matched his vibe. Anyone could tell that was Mile's room. My side on the other hand was completely empty, but it's not gonna stay that way for long.

I put my things down next to my bed and start unpacking, putting all my small plants on a shelf over my bed.

"This year is gonna be fire, I've got some
new friends I really wanna introduce you to!" Miles suddenly says, I notice the way his eyes lights up as he speaks about his friends.

"Will I finally get to meet this Gwen girl you've been blabbing nonstop about?" I ask and smirk at him, he immediately looks embarrassed and frowns.

"Yes her.. but i've also met this super cool guy, his name is Hobie" Miles explains.

I nod as I finish packing out the rest of my things. I've heard Miles talk about Gwen a million times, even though I make fun of him for it I actually find it really cute, it reminds me of myself when I had a girlfriend, Gayatri. She was awesome and I always felt ecstatic around her. Me and her ended it for around a year ago though, we're friends still but I really do miss feeling in love.

"You good bro?" Miles asks and taps my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah i'm good, what should we do the rest of the day?" I ask enthusiastically.

"I don't know, maybe watch a movie and have a cup of chai tea" Miles says with a shiteating grin.

"Ha-Ha, very funny" I say sarcastically and Miles laughs.


The next day rolls around quickly and it is now time for the first day of school. Pavitr prepared himself for the day as well as he could, he made sure he had everything he needed. Miles on the other hand was messy, all his things were scrambled around his room. Pavitr facepalms at Miles trying to get everything in the last minute but miraculously they made it in time.

During lunchtime Miles thought it would be the best time to introduce his friends to one another. Pavitr was excited and Miles really hoped everyone would get along.

Pavtir's POV —

I watch as Miles taps his foot on the ground while waiting, it didn't take long for his posture to completely shift as a girl walks up to us with a nice and friendly smile on her face. I notice her cool haircut and the slight pink in it.

"Hi, i'm Gwen" She introduces herself calmly.

"Yeah, i've heard sooo much about you" I say and watch Miles eyes widen. Gwen only smiles and looks at Miles.

"N-Not that much, I mean I don't bring you up that much or anything.." Miles says panicked and awkwardly chuckles before continuing with: "This is Pavitr by the way"

"Wasn't there another person you wanted me to meet?" I ask when I notice that it only seemed like Gwen was gonna show up.

"Who? Hobie? He's always late man" Gwen answers for Miles.

Suddenly Miles face lights up at something behind me and Gwen.

"Hey, over here!" Miles shouts and waves. Me and Gwen turn around at the same time and my eyes widen.

My breath hitches slightly when i'm met with the sight of a tall, skinny guy. his style was amazing, nothing like i've seen before. I could see even from a distance that he has some cool piercings from the way the sun shines on them.

I watch as the tall guy hugged Miles over his shoulders and fist bumps Gwen.

"Late as always" Miles says and the boy chuckles.

"I don't believe in time" The boy states.

Suddenly the boy's eyes met mine, my heart beat quickens and my breath feels stuck in my throat. The boy smiles at me and holds his hand out for me to shake it.

"What's up mate? I'm Hobie if you haven't heard" He says, I feel a bit caught of guard by his accent. I take his hand and shake it.

"I'm Pavitr, nice to meet you" I say blandly, I'm not sure why but it feels like all my words were taken out of my mouth, Miles seemed to notice it.

"He looks kinda scary but he's a really nice guy, I promise!" Miles says reassuringly and Hobie nods and laughs.

"Well are we gonna get to the part when we explain why we decided to meet up?" Gwen interrupts as she crosses her arms. Miles nods quickly and Hobie stops laughing but his grin never leaves his face.

"Alright so basically all of us are spider-man" Miles says.

My eyes widen a bit, I had known Miles was spider-man, but Gwen and Hobie too? Man how interesting could this new guy get?

"That's so cool! are we like a gang now?" I ask, Miles and Gwen chuckle.

"You bet" Hobie says and fist bumps me. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Well we should probably all get going, class starts in five minutes" Gwen says after checking her phone, we all nod and walk to class together. Me and Miles part ways with Gwen and Hobie.

Before I enter class I look back once at Hobie and Gwen only to see a pair of brown eyes staring back at me, Hobies eyes.

I nervously look away and enter class with a smile on my face.

This year is about to get interesting.

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