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About a week after their first meet everyone was hanging out at Miles and Pavitr's dorm. They were all huddled together in the living room. Gwen and Miles were talking about god knows what while Hobie and Pavitr sat in silence. Hobie decided to break that silence.

Pavitr's POV —

I secretly listen in on Miles and Gwen's
conversation, not because i'm very interested but because I feel extremely awkward, it's even worse when I can feel someone stare at me.
I muster up the courage to secretly glance at the boy beside me. Our eyes meet for a second and my throat went dry, I quickly look down at my weirdly sweaty hands, why am I so nervous?

"Sick bracelets you've got, where did you get 'em?" Hobie suddenly says and points his slender finger at my wrist, I notice how he has painted them black.

It takes me second to register what he said. What a random thing to point out but it's way better than sitting in silence.

"Thanks, me and Miles made them in class" I say quietly, cursing at myself for how shy and stupid I sound.

"What? I can't quite hear you." Hobie says and leans down closer to me. I suddenly feel way more aware of how much taller he actually is than me, like a fucking skyscraper. I swallow hard and look up at him. I expected him to look confused but instead he had a smirk on his face. I must've made a weird face because he started laughing.

"Just fucking with ya, that's cool though." He starts and gives me a apologetic look before continuing with: "Miles said you were a talkative type of guy, you seem pretty shy to me"

I flush in embarrassment and glare at him. How dare he call me shy? it's not my fault that i'm not used to talking to tall intimidating men every day.

"I'm not shy! I just don't know what to say" I say. That excuse definitely sucked, maybe I should just run away and never show my face again. I could probably hide in the alleyways of Mumbattan-

I feel lanky arms wrap around me and laughter fill the room. I tense a bit realising that Hobie is holding me and pray he can't hear my heart beating way too fast.

"Loosen up little guy! Don't ya remember what Miles said. I ain't nothing to be afraid of" Hobie says and shakes me slightly, I feel myself tense a little less, but some weird nervousness still stays. I shrug it off, at least I don't feel like a complete idiot anymore.

"I'm not afraid of you." I say and roll my eyes, I then notice Miles and Gwen were watching the whole thing. Miles looked happy we were finally getting along and Gwen had this weird smug look on her face.

"You so were" Gwen says and laughs. I resist the urge to laugh too, I was taking this whole situation too seriously.

"Oi, Gwendy. didn't your mum tell you it's bad manners to eavesdrop?" Hobie questions jokingly.

I watch Gwen and Hobie bicker, I feel a bit more at ease now, even with Hobie's arms still being wrapped around me.


A little more time passed. Hobie and Pavitr hit it off. The whole friend group was seen around school by others, always talking and having a good time. Sometimes Pavitr and Hobie would even find themselves hanging out alone, today was one of those times.

Hobie's POV —

l stretch my legs under the tiny dining table I have in my living room. I hear Pavitr hum a unknown song while stirring the food he's making for me and the others, I can't help but smile, he really is a ray of sunshine.

"You soon done? I'm starving" I complain and watch how he gives me an annoyed look.

"Stop complaining, you're not even the one making food" He replies and starts cutting some vegetables me and Miles had gotten beforehand.

"Yes I am, what do you mean?" I say and take the knife from his hand and start cutting the vegetables. He scoffs and rolls his eyes, but he still smiles like he always does.

"I bet you've never even made anything beside instant noodles" He says mockingly. I playfully shove him with my hip and he stumbles slightly.

"For your information, I have" I say and pour the vegetables into the soup.

"Oh really? What did you make?" He asks, genuinely interested.

"Microwaveable meals" I answer with a snort.

He facepalms. "Dumbass."


When the food was finished everyone decided to eat outside. They all complimented Pavitr on his cooking.

Pavitr's POV —

I give Hobie another angry glance when he insisted that he had 'helped' me make the food when all he did was help to cut the vegetables, he's unbelievably really.

"I'm so bored, nothing is happening and the talent show isn't for another month" Gwen complains.

Now that I think about it Hobie hasn't told me a lot about him and Gwen's band, i've actually heard way more about it from random girls gushing over how cute Hobie is. Sometimes I even hear guys talk about how much they like Hobie..

Wait, does Hobie like girls or guys? What the hell why do I even care? It doesn't matter at all, not in the slightest. But I really do wonder what his type is.

"You good man, you've been real quiet" Hobie asks me quietly, making sure only I hear it.

It startles me for a second, thank god he can't read thoughts. If he could he would probably have a disgustingly smug grin on his face right now.

"Yeah i'm fine bro" I reply. He nods and adverts his eyes back to Miles and Gwen.

"Guys I have an idea for what we can do" Miles says and smiles proudly.

"And what would that be?" Hobie asks.

"What if we throw a party?" Miles answers.

"Is that even a question? hell yeah!" Gwen shouts enthusiastically.

Hobie joins in on cheering with Gwen. To be honest I haven't really been to many parties, of course i've been to some family gatherings and birthday parties. But we're talking about a real college party here.

"Sounds good" I say.

Hobie and Gwen calm down. Hobie sits back down and puts a arm around my shoulders, like he usually does. But this time he lets his touch linger. I feel my body heat up, probably because it's pretty warm outside.

I go back to talking to my friends with a new thing to look forward to, my first real party.

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