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Pavitr finished packing his things for the sleepover. He said bye to Miles and later found himself outside of his crushes dorm.

Pavitr's POV —

Today I grab the door handle way more confidently than I had last time, of course all my nervousness hasn't disappeared, not in the slightest because I still have to take a deep breath,  preparing myself to see him.

I step inside and this time Hobie is in his kitchen preparing something, that's weird considering he doesn't know how to cook even if his life was depending on it. When I walk towards him I take note of the way his posture changed in the same way Miles would change his around Gwen.

"Finally, what is it with you taking so long nowadays?" Hobie asks in a fake angry tone.

"Oh you know the usual, fighting villains and all" I reply and glance down at the table at what Hobie was preparing, just as I thought, he wasn't making food instead there were many shot glasses and a bottle of god-knows-what.

"What's all this for?" I question and look at him confused.

"Us, unless you don't want to. It won't be normal drinking though, I was thinking we could play truth or drink?" Hobie says. I blink at him, having no idea what he's on about.

"It's a game where someone asks a question and if 'ya don't want to answer you have to drink" Hobie explains.

I cringe slightly when I remember the last time I drank, but this is totally different. I won't get drunk because i'll just answer.

"Sounds like fun" I say confidently, I mean what could go wrong?

Hobie's face lights up, I help him move all the drinks to the floor and we sit down next to each other like we always do. No matter how much space we have we always end up huddled up together. 

"Alright, I'll ask you first. Have you ever broken the law?" Hobie asks and genuinely looks interested for what i'm about to say.

"Once." I answer and Hobie's eyes widen.

"Really? What'd you do?" He asks.

"I stole a pack of gum" I answer and Hobie bursts into laughter, I join in because of how infectious his laughter is, another thing to love about him.

"Your turn" Hobie says after our laughter died down.

I think of all the things I want to ask him and the list is long but possibly too personal. Then I remembered earlier today when Hobie seemed like he was jealous, maybe I should test the waters?

"Hmm.. when was the last time you were jealous?" I ask and try to make it seem like a random question, he lets out a little chuckle.

I wait in anticipation for his response but instead I watch as he grabs one of the small shot glasses in front of us and chugs it in one go.

Now i'm even more curious, is it because my suspicions are true or is it because he doesn't want to admit to something like that?

"Do I know the person you fancy?" Hobie suddenly asks.

I mentally beat myself up for ever saying I like someone at that stupid party, how am I supposed to answer when the person is literally him.

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