Piece me back together

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Miles and Pavitr decided to avoid Gwen and Hobie together, resulting in their friend group splitting into two sides. Hobie had tried to talk to Pavitr multiple times, all his tries were unsuccessful. It wasn't until the talent show that they finally spoke again.

Pavitr's POV —

I stare blankly into space as Miles tries to talk to me, his words not quite getting through to me. Instead my mind is still fixated on Hobie. I sigh as my heart does a now familiar throb every time I think about what an asshole he is and how much I want to punch and how much I still love him.

"I just don't get why he'd do that" Miles says and throws his hands in the air in frustration.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, feeling like i'll be able to listen to what Miles has to say for a little while.

"Hobie! I just don't get why he'd play you and Gwen at the same time" Miles says and goes into deep thought.

"Because he's a dick, also didn't we agree not to talk about them anymore?" I ask.

Miles hums in reply but I can tell he isn't listening.

I watch as people start entering the classroom, having their own conversations but I notice how most of them seem to be talking about the talent show that's gonna be later today, the same talent show Hobie is gonna be participating in.

I zone out once again as the teacher starts explaining something, I really couldn't care less. All I could think about was Hobie and i've never felt more pathetic.

"This is the third time your late this week!" The teacher suddenly yells, snapping my attention towards the commotion.

My stomach does a somersault when I notice that the teacher isn't yelling at some random person, instead it was Hobie.

"Calm down would ya?" Hobie yawns, his tone sounding way more plain than usual. I watch as he gets a seat across the classroom.

Around halfway through the lesson I feel someone burning holes into the side of my face. I look over to my side and see Hobie staring at me longingly. When our eyes meet it feels electric and I can't even bring myself to look away.

"Come on, Pavitr. I wanna get to the cafeteria before all the chocolate pudding is gone" Miles says and packs his bag in a rush.

I follow him out of class to the cafeteria then to our usual spot, outside where me and Hobie met for the first time.

Miles starts eating but I feel too nauseous to even think of eating.

"Pavitr I know how you feel about going to the talent show later but can't you please tag along?" Miles pleads and I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance, this has got to be the hundredth time he's asked today!

"I don't see why you want me to go, I mean you have a bunch of other friends you can go with" I try to reason but he only rolls his eyes in reply.

"Please man, they're gonna end up talking to the people on stage and that includes Gwen" Miles says and looks at me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, fine. As long as we stay far away from the stage" I comply and Miles happily squeezes me.

"Thank you so much man!" He squeals.


Pavitr counts down the hours until it was time to go to that dammed talent show. He really didn't want to go at all but still dragged himself there.

Pavitr's POV —

I trail behind Miles as he tries to find a seat for us, I point out a pair of seats in the back but they both got taken.
"Well I guess we probably should just
head back—" I try suggesting and pulling Miles out of there but one of his friends cuts me off.

"Miles, my man! Over here we have two seats for you guys!" His friend that's sitting stupidly close to the stage yells and Miles gives me an apologetic smile.

Miles and his stupid popularity, I sigh and follow Miles to our seats and pray that Hobie won't see me here.

The talent show starts and the performance are anything from dancing to singing to magic tricks. None of them really caught my attention until I heard someone mention Hobie's name.
I immediately search the stage for Hobie and my breathing stops for a second when he walks out.

He was wearing a outfit that made him look absolutely breathtaking and the way the multicoloured lighting shined on his dark skin almost made me crumble into a million pieces.

Hobie and Gwen wait a few seconds before starting to play their song and the whole crowd started to bop their head to the rhythm. When the song was getting a little calmer Hobie's eyes scanned the room as if he was looking for someone and then his gaze landed on me.
He looks taken aback and he almost messes up what he's playing on his decorated guitar.

He keeps his eyes on me before he does his guitar solo that makes the whole crowd cheer for him, what a show off.

The song comes to an end and another pair of people come on stage. I guess I can leave now since Gwen won't be a concern for Miles for a while longer at least. I tap Mile's leg and he leans closer to me.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air" I whisper and he nods.

I walk outside to the pretty garden behind the school that I don't get to see often, but the whole way it feels like i'm being watched. My spider senses confirmed it when I felt someone creep up behind me.

I turn around abruptly getting ready to attack whoever is behind me, but all my thoughts immediately go blank when I see Hobie standing there with his hands crossed and a cocky grin on his face.

"It was pleasant of you to come and watch my show" He says as he walks closer to me.

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