You get me so high

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Pavitr's POV —

"It was pleasant of you to come and watch my show" He says as he walks closer to me.

I try not to get used to the feeling of him standing over me again but God how i've missed this. I still don't feel confident enough to meet his gaze so I stare at the grass.

"I didn't come there for you, don't flatter yourself" I say and he scoffs in annoyance.

"My bad, it's just that you seemed rather interested in my performance" Hobie states, I feel the way he's glaring at me.

"Well I wasn't. And why the hell did you follow me out here?" I ask, finally meeting his gaze.

"Because this is the only time where I saw you alone, you're always with him" Hobie sighs.

"With who?" I ask.

"Don't play stupid love, you know I mean Miles" He says and my cheeks redden at the petname but the anger pooling up inside of me hasn't gone away yet.

"Well i'd rather be with Miles than a guy who fucks around with peoples emotions just for the fun of it" I snap and lightly push Hobie further from me by his chest.

"What the fuck are you on about?" Hobie asks genuinely confused and slightly frustrated.

"You know what I mean! You-you kissed me and acted like you cared about me but this whole time I was just a little game to you, wasn't I? It's Gwen you want not me" I yell even though my voice cracks and my eyes start flowing with tears once again.

Hobie doesn't say anything, instead he wraps his arms around me and lets me cry into his shoulder. He rubs circles onto my back ever so gently as if he's scared I might break.

"Pav, i've wanted you since I saw you the first time. I just thought you liked Miles and.. I'm really not good at relationships so I just really didn't want to muck this up, y'know? But i'm willing to try if you are" Hobie explains softly, his heart beating way faster than he's speaking.

I start crying even harder at his words, not because i'm sad anymore but because i'm just so fucking happy.

"You're such a jerk sometimes" I say when my crying finally stopped. Hobie wipes away the tears on my cheeks.

"You love me for it" Hobie repeats and I roll my eyes before looking at his full lips, I watch how they stretch into a smirk.

"What're you waiting for? I ain't got all night" Hobie says smugly, despite the wave of nervousness that washed over me I still got on my tippy toes and let our lips meet for what felt like the first time in a decade. My heart flutters as he smirks into the kiss and leans down closer to me, holding me in place by my waist.

This kiss was different from all other ones, Hobie was pouring all his love and affection into the kiss and it made it hard to stand up straight. I needed a way to ground myself so I took hold of Hobie's wicks and shivered at the way he groans into the kiss. When we pull away for air he looks at me with eyes full of pure adoration.

"You're beautiful" Hobie breaths out.

"Shut up" I chuckle and lean into his chest, finally letting myself get used to his touch once again.

Hobie's POV —

I watch the crowd like a hawk for Pavitr nothing he had left his seat, luckily my height allows me to see him leaving through the back door. I push people out of the way to get to him. When I finally catch up with him he's outside with the school garden.

"It was pleasant of you to come and watch my show" I say and walk up to him, smiling to myself at the way he looks away nervously.

"I didn't come there for you, don't flatter yourself" He says. Of course not he was there with Miles.

"My bad, it's just that you seemed rather interested in my performance" I say and save the hurt for later when Pav can't see me.

"Well I wasn't. And why the hell did you follow me out here?" He asks. My face lightly heats up in embarrassment, if it wasn't for the way Pav's body language screamed that he didn't want me to go I would've probably left by now.

"Because this is the only time where I saw you alone, you're always with him" I sigh.

"With who?" He asks. I click my tongue before answering.

"Don't play stupid love, you know I mean Miles" I say and watch his cheeks redden, exactly what I wanted to see.

"Well i'd rather be with Miles than a guy who fucks around with peoples emotions just for the fun of it" He snaps and I stumble a bit from the way he pushes me.

"What the fuck are you on about?" I ask in confusion, that same confusion has been weighing on me ever since Pavitr cut me off.

"You know what I mean! You-you kissed me and acted like you cared about me but this whole time I was just a little game to you, wasn't I? It's Gwen you want not me"
He yells and my heart breaks into a million pieces at the way his voice breaks and the way his beautiful brown eyes fills with tears. I'm not sure where he got this from but right now isn't the time to ask him. 

Instead I carefully pull him closer to me and let him cry for as long as he needs, I try my best to comfort him because seeing him like this is breaking me as well.

"Pav, i've wanted you since I saw you the first time. I just thought you liked Miles and.. I'm really not good at relationships so I just really didn't want to muck this up, y'know? But i'm willing to try if you are" I ramble and hope he doesn't notice how hard it is for me to open up.

A few more moments pass by and Pav's crying stops, he only sniffles and keeps himself close to me.

"You're such a jerk sometimes" He suddenly says and looks up at me, I smile at him and gently wipe the tears from his tanned skin.

"You love me for it" I say confidently then he rolls his eyes before letting them rest on my lips, my heart starts beating faster in anticipation.

"What're you waiting for? I ain't got all night" I say and watch in amusement as he gets on his toes to be on the same level as me but not even that made our height match.
When our lips touch it feels like a spark ignites inside of me. I deepen our kiss by leaning down and holding him lovingly, I smile as I get small sounds from him in return that quite honestly makes me feel high off of him.

I pull away for air and admire how beautiful he is, I truly am so lucky.

"You're beautiful" I breathe.

"Shut up" He chuckles and rests his head on my chest, bloody hell I'm addicted to him and I know he feels the same way because he refuses to let me go.

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