What are we?

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Hobie did as promised and packed his things and went to Pavitr's dorm.

Hobie's POV —

"Toothbrush? check. Spider suit? Check" Pavitr says and scribbles on a small notebook.

I laugh to myself at how nervous he is to forget something because he could always just come back here and get it.

"Love, we aren't being away for months" I say and he keeps scribbling.

"Okay i'm ready now!" Pavitr says and happily wraps his arms around me.

"Let's get a move on" I say and help him take his bags, I watch in admiration as his smile grows more bright when we enter the portal.

When we walk out we stand in a hallway with many other doors, he takes my hand and leads me to his place. On the way I smile to myself at the beautiful decorations that variated in colours from door to door, like you could just tell their personalities by just seeing the colours they choose.
We then stopped with a door and exactly as I predicted it was painted in gorgeous colours and there was small details added onto it.

"Welcome to my place!" Pavitr exclaims as he opens the door. I walk in and admire how cozy the apartment was despite it being small.
Then as I took off my shoes I noticed another pair, smaller to be Pavitr's and too girly probably. Maybe it's his mothers.

"You can put the bags in here" Pavitr says and points to a room i'm guessing is his.

I walk in and drop our bags there then suddenly I hear a loud scream. I flinch and search for the source of it and I almost scream as well when I see a pretty girl sitting on Pavitr's bed. We stare at each other in shock for a moment before Pavitr runs into the room.

"Hobie, are you okay?" He asks concerned, when he noticed i'm not answering he shifts his view to the girl and he gasps.

"Gayatri? What are yo—" Pavitr almost finishes but Gayatri runs up to him and hugs him tightly, knocking the breath out of him. I watch the two of them slowly catch up before Pavitr suddenly looks at me and smiles apologetically.

"Hobie this is Gayatri and Gayatri this is Hobie he's my.." He stops for a second and she looks at him confused before he finishes with; "My friend"
I know me and Pavitr aren't officially dating yet but that hurt.

"Lovely to meet you" I say and reach out my hand to shake hers but she doesn't take it, instead she gives me a look of disapproval.

"Come on, Pavitr let's go and make something to eat, you must be starving from your long journey" Gayatri says and drags Pavitr out of the room.
I slowly follow after them but decide to keep my distance. The feeling of being unwanted there slowly increases, I shake my head at the feeling. I just have to be patient she's  just one of his old friends that wants to catch up with him, still something felt off.

Why does the name Gayatri sound so familiar? I look up at the ceiling and travel far back in my mind trying to remember where I could've heard it.

Then it came to mind.

Gayatri is his ex girlfriend. I cringe at how ridiculously fast I start feeling jealous. I remind myself that there's no reason to feel this way, I mean they probably just ended it on friendly terms. But then why is she looking at him like that? It feels like i'm watching some sort of show when I watch the pair cook together, laughing and smiling nonstop.
My heart lurches painfully when I realise how beautiful they look together. Her olive tanned skin matching his gracefully, Their smiles both breathtaking fuck even their hair looks flawless. What i'm trying to say is that they compliment each other so well. So well it makes me want to want to ruin it, how would she react if I were to snog Pavitr silly right in front of her.

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