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Pavitr sat in fear as Hobie finished up his final song of the night. What they thought was gonna be a fun night turned into quite the opposite.

Hobie's POV —

I finish off my song and look over to Pavitr expecting him to look amazed but instead he looks scared. Did he not like the show?

I walk up to him and he immediately gets off his chair with Miles right after him.

"What's going on?" I ask and lean down to face him.

"Can we leave?" Pavitr asks while looking up at me.

"Why? The party's just getting started—" I straighten my posture and over Pavitr's head my eyes lock with familiar cold dark brown ones that I wished to never see again. Mateo.

"Hobie? Oh wow didn't think i'd see you here" Mateo says with a smirk on his face. My body stiffens and I feel like i'm about to puke when he gets closer to me, pushing Pavitr out of the way and it takes everything in me to not whack him in the face. He knew damn well I was going to be here.

"Didn't think i'd have the misfortune of laying my eyes upon you again either, but hey" I say and push him out of the way taking Pavitr's arm to drag him out of the party but Mateo puts a chillingly cold palm on my shoulder causing me to stop.

"What's the rush, babe? Don't wanna spend a little quality time with an old friend?" Mateo teases, I curse under my breath at the way he's almost my height making it harder for me to get away.

"Get your grubby hands off me, mate. I don't give two shits about what you have to say" I snap and smack his hand off my shoulder while glaring at him, he only grins at my anger like he always did before.

"Fine, I guess you aren't in the mood to play. But I have to give you something" Mateo says, my jaw hurts from how hard i've been clenching it.

"Fine, make it quick" I say and release Pavitr's hand. Mateo smiles like he's accomplished something when I turn to face him, I look at Pavitr and he looks betrayed. It makes my heart twist painfully. I cup his cheeks in my hands and kiss him gently.

"I'll be back soon, love. Just go outside with the others and call a cab, yeah?" I say and Pavitr looks a little more trusting.

"Be safe" Pavitr says sadly and I nod. I turn around on my heels and my face involuntarily twists in disgust when I see the way Mateo is looking at me. He nods to the stairs gesturing at me to follow him. I follow him each step being filed with more and more dread until we stop at a room. He opens the door and I walk in before him.

I stuff my hands into my pockets while watching Mateo fiddle with something on a counter.

"Can you hurr—"

"So that's your new boyfriend or just a fling?" Mateo asks, ignoring how inpatient i'm getting.

I quirk a brow at him when he hands me a cup with a drink he mixed himself.

"Is this a fucking joke?" I laugh and try to slap the drink away but he dodges it.

"Hey, calm down. I just want to have a drink with you and then you can run along to you perfect little friend group" Mateo explains.

I grab the drink from him and chug it, to my surprise he seemed happy about it.

"Aight, see you never" I say and start walking towards the door but my legs start feeling wobbly until I couldn't walk anymore.

"What the fuck did you put in that?!" I manage to whisper-yell because it suddenly became hard using my voice.

Mateo doesn't say anything, he lifts me up on a bed and sits by the edge of it waiting.

My spider senses don't even go off before the door bursts open and I see an sad and heartbroken Pavitr looking at me. I want to run away with him and get the hell out of here but my limbs as long as my voice wasn't working.

Lucky for me Pavitr isn't dense. He knows something is wrong. The last thing I remember is getting dragged into a cab with the worried distorted voices of my friends before I blacked out.

My eyes open themselves, this time it was much brighter then when I had blacked out. My heart beats fast as terror spreads through my body at the thought of possibly waking up next to Mateo.

"Don't worry Hobie. You're gonna be okay i'm here" Pavitr whispers and snuggles himself closer into me, my eyes well up with tears from how relieved I felt to hear his voice. I hold him impossibly close to me and try to shove all bad thoughts away. The only thought that kept me from loosing it was; I'm never gonna see Mateo again. But how can I be so certain?

a/n: next chapter i'll explain the backstory between them sorry for any confusion :(

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