Who is he?

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Some days passed by and it was time for Hobie and Pavitr to return to school. They also planned to tell their friend group about them.

Pavitr's POV —

I look back sadly once at Mumbattan before going through the portal leading to Hobie's dorm. Hobie immediately slumps down on his bed and I follow shortly after. We lay in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence for a while.

"Hobie, have you thought about telling the others about us?" I ask and watch his reaction closely for any signs of nervousness.
He smiles and cups my cheek in his hand.

"You sure you're ready to tell 'em? There's no rush if you aren't" Hobie says.

"I'm ready, Miles probably already knows" I respond and Hobie nods his head slowly and a bit hesitantly before saying anything.

"Then I reckon it won't be an issue telling them" Hobie says, making me grin in return.


Later that day Hobie and Pavitr invited Gwen and Miles to hang over at Hobie's place.

Pavitr's POV —

My palms sweat out of nervousness, not really because i'm afraid that they won't accept us because I know they will it's more because I don't know when the perfect time to bring it up is. Hobie notices my nervousness and rubs my back gently trying to calm me down. I smile at how sweet it is of him to always make sure i'm well.

Eventually everyone got bored of being at Hobie's so we decided to swing around the city for a bit. The streets filled with the sound of our laughter and chatter. It's always so nice when we hang out. We eventually stop at a building.

"Yo, Pav. Why're you walking so weird? You hurt yourself or something?" Miles questions as he walks behind me, my face immediately heats up and Hobie smirks a little too proudly for my liking.
Gwen's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No reason— I just fell? Yeah, I fell" I laugh nervously and sit down next to Hobie making sure he saw the deadly glare I gave him when I noticed how amused he looked. It didn't help because both him and Gwen snorted before laughing, they really are like siblings.

"What's so funny guys?" Miles asks with a curious smile on his face.

"Nothing you wouldn't understand it" Gwen says when her laughter died down and Miles frowns.

Thankfully the conversation starts back up again until I feel Hobie gently tap my arm before tilting his head subtly towards Gwen and Miles, I nod knowing that he's ready to tell them now.

"Oi, me and Pav want to tell you something" Hobie announces and the two look at us expectedly. Hobie then gently elbows me, expecting me to take it from here. My eyes widen as I look over to Miles and Gwen with an awkward smile on my face.

"So me and Hobie are you know, together" I explain and Hobie chuckles at me awkwardness.

"Am I supposed to act surprised?" Gwen asks making Miles chuckle. Hobie scoffs and rolls his eyes affectionately. I relax at how lightly they're taking it, but I mean they've known we've liked each other for a while.


The following week was amazing. Hobie and Pavitr felt more comfortable about being open about their relationship. And people noticed. They noticed how Hobie would flirt with Pavitr in the hallways, how they would occasionally sneak off during class together and of course people started talking about them. Hobie being as popular as he is really means he has no private life and Pavitr was gonna find that out in the hard way.

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