Tear me apart

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Hobie and Pavitr separate ways and walk to each their dorms.

Pavitr's POV —

I still feel my heart thumping out of my chest as I enter my room, did that really just happen?
I walk to my bed with wobbly legs and sit down on it.
Hobie just fucking sucked me off, he even offered it as if he had been waiting to do that for a long time. My face heats up when I remember the way he looked while doing it, fucking hell.

"Earth to Pavitr" Miles says and waves his hands in front of my face, how long has he been here?

"Miles, Hobie gave me a blowjob" I blurt out and Miles takes a moment to process what I said before his eyes widened in realisation.

"He— what?! when did this even happen? I left you two alone for an hour and you're already going at it?!" Miles rambles and I curl up into a little ball on the bed.

"It happened right after you and Gwen left. At first it was just kissing but it escalated to.. well you know! And the part that's driving me the most insane is that he liked it!" I explain and blush even harder than I was before out of the embarrassment of telling someone out loud.

"Bro" Miles says sternly.

"What?" I ask fearfully, hoping I haven't made him uncomfortable.

"He's obviously head over heels for you! How haven't you noticed that yet?" Miles says and I glare at him and shake my head.

"I don't think he's that into me" I reply. Miles groans and facepalms.

"But he is that into you, i've seen the way he looks at you since we first met! He's always been way more with you than any of his other friends that he's known even longer than you, he always touched you more than anyone else and he just had your dick in his mouth for Gods sake! How much more do you need to see before you realise he loves you?" Miles piles on and it's like he put a missing puzzle piece together in my brain.

Hobie has liked me this whole time and i've been a dumbass and given him the idea that I like someone else.

"Oh my god, Miles why didn't you tell me sooner?! What the hell do I do now?!" I groan in frustration.

"I didn't tell you because I thought you weren't blind but I guess I was completely off, and the best advice I could give you is to just talk to him and be honest" Miles suggests and my stomach twists at the thought of possibly being rejected.

"And you're completely sure he likes me?" I ask one last time to make sure.

"Yes, I couldn't be any more sure. Now hurry up and go tell him he's probably dying to hear it" Miles says and pushes me towards the door.

Hobie's POV —

I quickly grab my phone and scroll through my contacts until I see Gwendy's name pop up. I hit the call button and wait for her to answer.

"What's up?" Gwen says over the line.

"Gwendy you've got to come around my place like right now" I say desperately and run a hand through my hair.

"Why? You good?" Gwen asks concerned.

"Yeah, just— just please come over I have to tell you something" I say.

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