The end

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A couple of weeks into summer and Pavitr had mainly been with his parents, of course as promised he would visit Hobie, he'd usually in the night when his parents were sleeping. One particular day he couldn't visit because he had a busy day fighting villains, Hobie immediately thought of the worst and decided to make a visit himself.

Pavitr's POV —

Throughout the day I watch the clock tick, just waiting for it to become night so I can see Hobie. To my disdain I had to fight some random bad guy and when I got back home I immediately felt too tired to go anywhere. That was until I peeked my eyes open and saw my items floating in the air, oh shit don't tell me—

"Pavi, darlin' why didn't you come see me?" Hobie frowns and hops onto the bed next to me, fuck if my parents see him i'll be so dead.

"I got caught up with some shit in town" I exhale and smile at how he can start missing me so quickly. Can't blame him though, i'm just as bad.

"Really? You okay?" Hobie asks, inspecting my face as if I haven't fought an uncountable amount of times.

"Hobie, i'm fine!" I giggle when he squeezes my cheek. My previously quiet room was now filled with the sound of laughter.

I suddenly start hearing footsteps setting me into panic, I quickly rush a confused Hobie into my closet and lean on it awkwardly when my mom opens the door. She looks around my room in confusion.

"Pavitr Prabhakar, it's three AM why are you being so loud?" My mom asks and I immediately get embarrassed remembering Hobie is listening to everything.

"Sorry mom, I was just watching something really funny" I laugh awkwardly, she raises a eyebrow.

"Just please be quiet" She begs.

"Yes, I will. Sorry mom" I apologise, she smiles at me before closing the door again.

I move from the closet and Hobie comes crashing down and falls right on top of me. I start praying that my mom didn't hear the loud bang.

"If you wanted to do it again you should've just told me" Hobie teases, I push him off and give him the same look of annoyance my mom gave me earlier.

"You're such a dumbass, my mom could've fucking seen you!" I whisper-yell.

"M'sorry, I won't show up here again" Hobie soothes and my anger immediately washes away, can't stay angry at him for more than five seconds anyway.

"Unannounced at least, i'm happy you came. I'm just not ready for my mom to know about us" I say truthfully, and as always Hobie is understanding.

"We have all the time in the world, no need to rush it" Hobie soothes and pulls on his mask again presumably to leave, but I wasn't ready to say bye yet.

"Wait, can you maybe stay here? My parents have work in the morning so they won't see you" I suggest.

"Your wish is my command" Hobie says and kisses me on my forehead once his mask is off.
I smile mischievously and drag him onto the bed making us collapse like we did for some minutes ago, we silently giggle and fight each other.

"You wanna borrow something to sleep in?" I ask when we finally calm down.

"Doubt you'll have anything that fits me" Hobie laughs.

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