Crazy for you

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The same night of the confession Hobie invited Pavitr to hang out at his dorm which he gladly accepted.

Pavitr's POV —

I excitedly follow after Hobie to his dorm, He opens up the door and lets me in first before closing it after us. We slump down on the couch together and I feel the way my face hurts from how much i've been smiling, Hobie tilts his head and smiles lovingly at me.

"Shit, I haven't seen you smile so much in a while" Hobie chuckles.

"It's hard to not be happy when my crush just told me he likes me back" I reply and Hobie pulls me into his warm arms, embracing me.

"Say, when did you start liking me?" Hobie questions.

If i'm being honest to myself I would probably still have known I liked him if it wasn't for Miles, but the butterflies started when we met the first time.

"I guess I started liking you ever since I first saw you" I utter and Hobie smiles brightly.

"Hard not to fall for me, eh?" Hobie jokes.

"Anyone with a pair of eyes would fall for you, Hobie" I say boldly, i'm not sure if it's the fact that Hobie admitted to liking me back or if it's me still being high of his kiss that made me suddenly feel so bold, whatever it was it surely worked though because Hobie's eyes widened and his mouth quivered slightly.

"Didn't take you for the bold type" He admits and leans over me, practically laying on top of me now. All my boldness dissolves into thin air as I feel the familiar nervousness hit my body.
He leans closer to my ear and whispers;
"Guess I was right"

I stare at him and follow his eyes that were scanning my entire body, I shudder in anticipation and wait for his next move.
He leans in and kisses me, immediately slipping his tongue into my mouth and his hand under my shirt. I groan at the feeling of him tracing over my whole chest with his cold hands, my thoughts are already starting to become foggy.

"Yo! Hobes, you in there?" A voice yells from outside Hobie's dorm. I give him a disappointed look and he sighs in return before getting off me and opening the door.

"What's up, Gwen. You need anything?" Hobie asks unamused.

"No I just wondered why you suddenly disappeared after the band rehearsal" she leans a little to the side and sees me "Oh hey Pavitr! didn't know you two were getting along again" Gwen says and tries to whisper the last part.

"Yeah we've talked it out.." Hobie says impatiently, Gwen doesn't seem to catch on that he didn't want to hang out though because she let herself in.

"So what were you guys doing?" Gwen asks and sits down on the couch next to me. Me and Hobie look at each other blushing, how far would we have gone if she hadn't interrupted us?

"I was about to leave actually" I lie because of how awkward I felt and Hobie looked like he was about to kill Gwen.

"Oh okay, night Pavitr" Gwen says while chewing Hobie's chips that she helped herself to.

I walk toward the door where Hobie's still standing and he looks at me apologetically.

"Gwendy, i'm gonna follow Pav to his dorm" Hobie shouts over to Gwen and she gives him a thumbs up as we walk out the door.

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