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Miles, Pavitr and Gwen made a plan to ruin Mateo's life without Hobie knowing about it.

Pavitr's POV —

Me, Miles and Gwen swing to the same house we were in last time, or what we assume to be Mateo's house. We sneakily creep through his bedroom window, expecting to see him sleeping but to our surprise he wasn't even in the room. Don't tell me he isn't here when we actually want him to be.

"You think this is his phone?" Miles whispers and grabs a phone from the counter, the same counter where Mateo drugged Hobie.

"If that's his phone he's definitely here, you guys go look for him while I try unlocking it" Gwen instructs carefully. Me and Miles nod and walk out the door to a staircase. My spider senses go off when I hear murmurs from the living room. I gesture for Miles to follow me. I peek around the corner and there I see Mateo spread out on his couch watching something.
Miles suddenly trips over his feet, I catch him before he falls but we still make a lot of noise causing Mateo to be alert.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Mateo calls after pausing the TV. I glare at Miles and he smiles apologetically at me.

I decide to reveal myself, taking off my mask first of course. I step in front of him and watch in amusement when his face goes a bit paler than it already was.

"How the fuck did you get in?" Mateo asks from afar.

"Doesn't matter" I respond and get closer to him, I can see the way he tries to cover up his fear with a pathetic smile.

"Okay, sure that's fine" He says sarcastically and holds his hands up in front of him in surrender.

"Did Hobie send you?" He snorts, making me immediately frown in hatred.

"Nah" I say, now i'm squaring up to him and he seems to think it's funny.

"Didn't take Hobie for the boyfriend type of guy, can't believe he'd be capable of getting someone to care about—" I punch Mateo square in the face and watch as he tumbles over and covers the area I punched with his hand in pain.

"What the fuck?!" He screams and I lower myself to him and grab his face so he's facing me.

"What were you gonna do to Hobie, hm?" I ask and tilt my head at the question.

Mateo looks anxiously at both my eyes, seeming to not be able to settle on one.

"Why do you care—" I slap him so hard my hand stings and watch in satisfaction as his cheek turns red as well as his now bruising eye.

"What were you gonna do to Hobie?" I repeat and  he flinches when I raise my hand again.

"I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again" Mateo stutters and tries to get away from me.

"Oh you're sorry?" I get up and hold him in place with my foot. He nods desperately but I feel no empathy for the man. I start kicking him countless of times, enjoying the sounds of his pain. I didn't stop before Miles grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"That's enough, we don't wanna kill the guy" Miles nervously chuckles at the deadly look in my eyes.

I look back to the crying boy on the floor and crouch down to his level, grabbing his hair as roughly as I can.

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