always in my mind

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Pavitr's POV —

I groan in pain as I sluggishly open my eyes, Jesus christ what happened? Oh yeah, I drank. I rub my temples while trying to recall what exactly happened last night, fuck I can't even remember how I got back here.

My foggy memories provides me with a few blurry images of dancing, drinking and Hobie. A lot of Hobie actually. I remember him leaning close to me, him grabbing my waist . I swallow hard and try to push those memories away, my body feels so warm. Why am I so warm?

I try getting up but I feel weighed down, that's when I saw a pair of arms wrapped around me. I glance beside me and see no other than Hobie sleeping soundly next to me. What the hell did we do last night? My heart races at the thought of us possibly doing.. something.
I shake my head violently, it's no way we would do anything like that! He's my best friend for fucks sake.

"Good morning, beautiful" Hobie yawns and pulls me even closer to him. I feel like i'm gonna explode, this is way too much for me!

"Good morning" I stutter and curse at myself for being so awkward.

"Don't worry, we just slept" Hobie says, as if he read my mind. This is so fucking embarrassing please just let me pass away now.

"I-I wasn't thinking anything like that!" I say defensively and wiggle my way out of his grip. He blinks at me before laughing.

"Sure you weren't, as much as I'd love to talk about you thinking about me snogging you I can't since I sadly have a dorm to clean" He says, gets up from the bed and opens the door in a swift motion.

"Never come back" I say, he chuckles before leaving.

I lay on my back and try to process everything that just happened, wincing at the throbbing pain in my head.

"Good morning.." Miles groans. I flinch and sit up, I didn't even hear him enter the room.

"You look like shit" I say and snort, he glares at me and sits down in his own bed.

"So do you" He shoots back.

"No I don't, Hobie said I look beautiful" I say proudly.

"Well he lied" Miles says and laughs, now it's my turn to glare at him. It takes a second before Miles pieces things together.

"Wait, did Hobie sleep here?" He questions and gives me a weird look.

"Yeah he did" I answer casually, trying to make it sound normal that two friends cuddle with each other and share the same bed, totally normal.

Miles doesn't say anything, instead he seems hesitant about something judging by the way he's fiddling with his sleeves and you can practically hear his thoughts.

"What is it, I hate when you do that" I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks nervously.

"You're hiding something from me" I accuse and he shakes his head.

"It's just that, I mean. Well you know.. it's nothing" He says quickly. I start getting fed up with him and he notices it so he takes a deep breath before continuing.

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